
DNage is engaged in some interesting work: "In order to study the effect of individual DNA repair enzymes/proteins [reseachers] developed a large series of mouse models in which the genes for several DNA repair proteins were mutated. ... Although, these these models already existed for some time and showed signs of ageing (as did the patients) nobody had made an explicit connection between DNA damage/repair and the fundamental process of ageing. In 2000, Hoeijmakers first realised that the mouse models, which they had generated show all signs of accelerated ageing and that this could be linked to deficiencies in DNA repair mechanisms. ... systematic studies revealed a litany of other characteristics pointing to accelerated ageing, including early development of kyphosis, osteoporosis, neurologic abnormalities, etc." Just as for mitochondrial research, advancing our knowledge of DNA repair as it relates to aging can only be a good thing.

Link: http://www.dnage.nl/

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