Two New Non-Profit Incorporations

Via the Gerontology Research Group mailing list, we have this from Stanley Primmer, president of the Supercentenarian Research Foundation:

As Dr. Coles informed you last night the Pennsylvania Department of State has accepted the Articles of Incorporation of the Supercentenarian Research Foundation(SRF) effective as of May 2, 2006. Our first Board meeting was held this morning, consisting of Dr. Doros Platika, Dr. Stephen Coles, David Gobel, and myself. Dr. Platika is the Chairman; Dr. Coles is the Treasurer; and I have been asked to serve as President.

The SRF is dedicated to promoting scientific research into the causes and effects of aging, with initial emphasis on those who are at least 110 years of age. Until we obtain 501(c)(3) status as a tax exempt foundation the Methuselah Foundation (MF) has kindly agreed to be our Fiscal Sponsor. Tax deductible donations can legally be made to the MF with the designation that they are for the SRF. Please see our website at for additional information about our mission and plans.

In other news, the Cryonics Society has obtained 501(c)(3) status:

"Cryonics used to be seen as science fiction," said Pavlica. "Now it's becoming science fact. People want to learn more about it. We're here to help."

Pavlica pointed out that recent research experiments have broken new ground in eliminating freezing damage in cryogenic conditions. Whole organs have been removed, stored at extreme low temperatures, then restored and used successfully in transplants.

"That used to be impossible." said Pavlica. "Now it's reality. Cryonics is like that too. It's just over the horizon. And when it arrives, it could save a lot of lives. Provided we can break the cycle of unthinking criticism and build more public support.

That's the job of the Cryonics Society, he added.

Incorporation and 501(c)(3) status are far from necessary hurdles placed in the path of earnest folk; regulation never achieves anything other than making progress slower and more expensive. It would be so much more pleasant to live in a world in which there was no need to sacrifice time to government employees before deciding how best to accomplish your goals. Not to mention further sacrifice to enable government employees to better waste your resources on corruption and other uses you'd never condone.

The standard libertarian objections aside, more non-profit incorporations in the healthy life extension community are definitely a sign of growth and progress, however.

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