The Pathophysiology of Aging

You'll find an interesting meeting report at the open access journal Immunity and Aging; the full PDF is available. It reflects something of the mainstream view of inevitability, acceptance, and slowing aging as the only path forward - a view that I'd like to see vanish in favor of the SENS approach of working directly towards rejuvenation and repair. "On April 18, 2007 an international meeting on Pathophysiology of Ageing, Longevity and Age-Related Diseases was held in Palermo, Italy. Several interesting topics on Cancer, Immunosenescence, Age-related inflammatory diseases and longevity were discussed. In this report we summarize the most important issues. However, ageing must be considered an unavoidable end point of the life history of each individual, nevertheless the increasing knowledge on ageing mechanisms, allows envisaging many different strategies to cope with, and delay it. So, a better understanding of pathophysiology of ageing and age-related disease is essential for giving everybody a reasonable chance for living a long and enjoyable final part of the life." Despite the defeatism, the science is worth reading.


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