Aubrey de Grey and the Pension Folk

Here's a podcast interview with biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey, conducted by two commenters on the UK pension industry. You'll have to dig a little to get to the podcast page, and the podcast MP3 file itself. Those people in the business of making money from life insurance, pensions, tontines and the like find themselves in an interesting position these days: they are largely two or more steps removed from the aging research community, and so understanding the probable course of longevity science, and so the financial risks involved in their businesses, is a challenge. That is especially true given the wide divergence of very reputable predictions within the aging research community itself. Everything is poised for a massive leap forward in the medical technologies of longevity ... that may or may not come soon. Such great uncertainty is a form of pain for those who make money by managing mortality risk, and so it's not surprising to see such a keen interest.


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