Cryonics and Wealth Preservation

A piece at h+ Magazine briefly examines the efforts of members of the cryonics community to set up legal frameworks that stand a good chance of preserving wealth across decades of being considered legally dead. In the long term, you can't take it with you: any undefended resource will eventually be stolen one way or another, no matter what laws and contracts say. But in the shorter term, and for small groups of people, this legal approach is a fair strategy: "The laws are complicated, and not stacked in your favor, but if done carefully it's possible to leave a huge death benefit payoff from your life insurance policy to your cryonically-preserved self. And since life insurance can also be used to finance your cryopreservation, you need not wait until you are rich to sign up. Most in the middle class, if they seriously want it, can afford it now. So by taking the right steps, you can look forward to waking up one bright future morning from cryopreservation the proud owner of a bank account brimming with money. Don't get me wrong. Leaving money to your future self is complicated. The courts have decided that cryopreserved people are not suspended or preserved. Rather, they are irrevocably dead, and by being dead have no legal right of ownership or inheritance. These laws may change if the first cryopreserved people are resuscitated and sue for some new kind of civil rights, but that could be decades away. In the meantime, those who are not yet being preserved have spent years pondering and discussing possible methods of self-inheritance. They call it Cryonics Estate Planning and there are now at least three ways to achieve the goal."


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