Biomarkers of Aging and Age-Related Conditions

The Russian side of the longevity science community, largely associated with the Science for Life Extension Foundation, produces very slick, professional materials on the science of aging and how we might intervene to extend healthy human life. Unfortunately, many of the large posters on the fundamental science are in Russian, and only slowly make their way into English. As they usually appear online as images rather than PDFs, and are generally filled with scientific terminology, they are not particularly amenable to automated translation.

But it is worth keeping an eye out for the ones that do get translated. See, for example, this recent post from Alexey Moskalev, run through the Google Translate service:

To chart some of the biomarkers of aging and age-related pathologies. English had to do double duty and make it easier to find literature supporting the scheme. Thanks to the designer of the Fund "Science for Life Extension" and Olga Martyniuk.

Google Translate won't let you download the image attached to that post directly, unfortunately, so here's a copy for you to admire. Click on it for the full size version:


If we look to the longest-lived people of the world, they exercise much more than we do, breathe in more oxygen (b/c they live in the mountains) and eat local fresh food, most of which they produce themselves.

And live a much more relaxed lifestyle.

Posted by: Emily at July 4th, 2011 10:40 AM

Right on Emily. I lived it- 70 , never sick , the only thing you left out eat little and supplement . find out you personal dosages.
example i take 6000iu of e a day -- why? no reason just wanted to see what would happen. Nothing-- but I'm all good in all ways so who knows .
get the bible called Life Extention by derek pearson-sandy shaw ! cica 71
For most of you its too late , this has to be a lifestyle from 20 -25.
No alcohol it dries from within.yes i partied a bit till those ages.
Life By Design- you own it! ws

Posted by: winston smith at July 11th, 2011 9:27 AM

I totally agree about the mountain air and local food be the secret to a long life. I recently survived a plane crash in the himalayas. To my good fortune, I was rescued by a party from a local lamasary who's leader is a former member of the British diplomatic corp. Everyone here is healthy! The leader, Hugh Conway, tells me (jokingly, I believe) that he is 118 yrs old. He looks like he's 28 yrs old, if a day.

Well, I must get back to my work of teaching the locals a sense of what sin is. Have a good day.

Posted by: Bode Bliss at July 12th, 2011 3:26 AM
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