Embryonic Versus Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

A review paper here looks over the biochemistry, similarities, and differences between embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, both of which are presently used in the development of new therapies, but the former is far more limited by regulation than the latter:

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocysts and are characterized by the ability to renew themselves (self-renewal) and the capability to generate all the cells within the human body. In contrast, inducible pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are generated by transfection of four transcription factors in somatic cells. Like embryonic stem cells, they are able to self-renew and differentiate. Because of these features, both ESCs and iPSCs, are under intense clinical investigation for cell-based therapy.

Since the first isolation of human Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) huge interest has developed in the scientific and clinical communities and in the public in general because of their therapeutic potential. In particular, attention has focused on their potential use in cell-based therapy for diseases that are refractory to conventional treatments, such as neurodegenerative diseases and immunodeficiency, because of their ability to be programmed into new mature differentiated cells of all lineages.

Although our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that control the self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells has grown considerably during the past decade, we still need more basic research in order to understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate proliferation, survival and differentiation of stem cells particularly after transplantation and in the pathological environment.

Link: http://impactaging.com/papers/v4/n12/full/100513.html


I still dont get the difference. I mean, people who read this are usually students, so it would better if students' knowledge on stem cell research is taken to consideration, thus not using too many complicated words. Because we students are having difficulty understanding it and it takes another half and hour to search for the complicated words used, so that we can understand it. I mean, we get to the Internet/these types of sites to understand the concept of such complicated things. But when considering the condition of these articles, we students are actually pushed into a bigger confusion. So in conclusion, all I would like to say is that when writing such articles, it would greatly appreciated, if the knowledge of people who are more likely to read this (students!!!) is taken into deep consideration and these articles are written in basic and understandable language. It would be better if its informal, funny and friendly.

Posted by: Akash at October 30th, 2013 4:01 AM

I'm a high school student looking for info on the difference between hESC and iPS. You're right, Akash, this says practically nothing.

Posted by: Julian at November 6th, 2013 7:31 AM

Yes very good guys!

Posted by: Nick at November 15th, 2013 2:04 PM

This article does not help me understand anything at all. There is not much comparing or contrasting. It is a basic definition that this provides us with. Yet, I do not understand many of the words. I need more detail.

Posted by: James at January 11th, 2015 7:00 PM
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