Transhumanity Relaunched
Transhumanity has relaunched in a more weblog-like format. You'll see healthy life extension items there from time to time, but the focus is more on cutting-edge technological advancement and the philosophical underpinnings of transhumanism.
The editor is a balanced fellow in a community that varies all the way from minarchism to redistributive socialism (transhumanist debates on economics and politics are usually interesting affairs, to say the least) and does a good work. I helped with out a little with the last Transhumanity site design, but the new one is far better for today's online content community. Change is good, and you have to move with the times!
You'll find a short piece at the Longevity Meme that will bring you up to speed on the relevance of the transhumanist movement to healthy life extension and the fight to cure aging.