Debating Embryonic Stem Cell Research

One of my roundup posts on the politics of stem cell research over at Fight Aging! has generated a fair number of posts. It's a reproduction in miniature of the larger abortion-tinged embryonic stem cell research debate as visitors from Instapundit interact with the regular Fight Aging! crowd. While experience teaches us that people are not going to see eye to eye on these issues, it is always helpful and instructive to see where the other guy is coming from. From where I stand, the moral value of a hundred cell embryo - a tiny sphere with no capacity to feel or think - is no different from that of any other clump of a hundred cells, but many people feel otherwise. So jump on in and have your say.


Debating Embryonic Stem Cell Research

One of my earlier roundup posts on stem cell politics is generating a fair number of comments: visitors from Instapundit and elsewhere are debating embryonic stem cell research with Fight Aging! regulars.

Looking at the abortion debate teaches us that people are not going to see eye to eye on these issues, but it is always helpful and instructive to see where the other guy is coming from. To be clear on my position, I see the moral value of a hundred cell embryo - a tiny sphere with no capacity to feel or think - as no different from that of any other clump of a hundred cells not involved in vital brain functions in a living being. Needless to say, many people feel otherwise.

So jump on in and have your say in the discussion.

UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds has posted a short summary of his opinions on embryonic stem cell research, just for the record.