Chris Mooney On The "Adult Stem Cell Charade"
Chris Mooney has some pointed comments on one particular facet of dishonesty from opponents of embryonic stem cell research:
What is it with conservatives that makes them feel like they have to take a contrary scientific position on issues like embryonic stem cell research, rather than simply stating their moral disapproval? This drives me absolutely nuts....
I mean, are we really supposed to believe, based on a scientific-sounding article by a patient's advocate, that all of the mainstream scientific societies advocating embryonic stem cell research have it wrong? That may sound like a ridiculous notion, but it's at the very core of the right's argumentative arsenal on the issue of stem cell research.
I've mentioned sort of thing before once or twice. Simply put, unimpeded adult and embryonic stem cell research are required for research into regenerative medicine to move ahead at the best possible pace. The best thing that politicians can do is to leave medical research and businesses unmolested.