More On Advertising - More Advertising?

As long-time readers will know, all advertising revenue from Fight Aging! and the Longevity Meme is donated to the Methuselah Foundation. Currently, this money goes to help build the Methuselah Mouse Prize fund.

Our latest sponsor (you'll see their banners starting next week) is asking about other opportunities for advertising beyond the standard header banner you no doubt see at the top of this page. Examples included paid placement in the Resources section of the Longevity Meme, inclusion of links to sponsor articles, the inclusion of advertisments in the Longevity Meme newsletter and so forth.

I think that any sort of paid placement is a bad thing - it always has been a bad thing in search engines, for example. It subverts the useful original purpose of the places in which it occurs. Similarly, there is such a thing as too much advertising for a given website. However, inclusion of modestly sized text ads in the Longevity Meme newsletter seems like a reasonable step - assuming that the subscribers are on board with such a change. What else could fall into that category without stepping over the line?

I'm throwing this open to the gallery - what do you folks think? Ultimately, these sites are here for your benefit, so your suggestions and ideas are welcome.