More Commentary on "The Coming Death Shortage"

Dave Gobel of the Methuselah Foundation drew my attention to a WorldChanging commentary on the rather horrible "The Coming Death Shortage" from the Atlantic. I think that the WorldChanging crew give it more respect than it deserves, but make your own mind up.

I do agree that it is good to see pro-death advocates taking the prospects for radical life extension seriously - no-one with an understanding of the field and the way in which progress happens is laughing at these ideas any more. Healthy life extension is coming; the big question is whether or not it will happen fast enough to benefit those of us reading this today. (And whether enough people will step forward and act to make a difference).

Don't forget to read the comments - many are better than the post in terms of addressing the problems and misconceptions in the reviewed article. Remember that in the end any argument against medical research for longer, healthier lives is an argument for forcing millions of people to suffer and die. It's that simple.

UPDATE: Conveniently enough, you can find the full article text posted at the transhumantech Yahoo! group.