The Deep Divide

The divide between people who instinctively find healthy life extension and longer lives an obvious, wonderful goal and those who do not is an odd one. Speaking as someone who would like to live healthily for a long, long time, I often find pro-aging, pro-death folks downright incomprehensible.

It's always nice to see other people out there in the world who feel the same way:

The promise of extended life spans has never been more truer than today, and it will be even more true tomorrow. The technology is advancing with our understanding of the molecular machinery of the body. Will we have it beat in 25 years? I personally think that might be a bit optimistic, but those of us in my age bracket might be able to expect another twenty or thirty years above the norm, and that might stretch us long enough to see a major breakthrough someday.

Would you be bored by a three hundred year life lived at the biological age of 25? I've never really understood the downside of life extension, or the virtues of death in the face of potential rejuvenation. There will always be a segment of naturalists who will be content with their three score and ten, but it seems to be such a waste. By the time we have things figured out, it is too late to make meaningful change.


Either way, I wouldn't understand anyone who would refuse such potential.

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