Obesity Is Bad, Part XIV

Newsweek cuts right to the chase in this article on obesity and health: "Whatever the exact relationship between obesity and mortality, there is no question that excess weight can ruin your health. Obesity can foster diseases ranging from cancer to heart failure, and it's a clear factor in the country's growing epidemic of type 2 diabetes. ... So don't place too much stock in the latest mortality figures. If you value your legs and your eyesight, warding off type 2 diabetes should still be a priority. ... Diabetes is the quintessential lifestyle disease. But lifestyle diseases have lifestyle cures, and the only side effects are good ones." If you don't want to suffer crippling - and ultimately fatal - age-related diseases as a result of excess weight, the solution is fairly clear.

Link: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8270739/site/newsweek/