Down With The Miserabilists

The Times makes a point I've been stressing for a while - the ridiculous nature of any attempt to paint increasing longevity as a problem: "Yet the 'ageing population' is seen as a big problem. It is assumed that more old people having a longer old age equals more people in expensive misery, needing ever more medical care. Why is there such a 'miserabilist' response to the increases we've seen in life expectancy in rich countries? The evidence is that the levels of ill-health and disability in older people at any given age are falling - a tribute to the effectiveness of health promotion, preventive medicine and acute medical care. Old people are living not only longer but also in better nick. ... If this means that we have to work longer, so be it. After all, you get weekends and evenings off at work. Death offers no such perks."


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