Sixty-Six of The Three Hundred

The sixty-sixth member of The Three Hundred signed up today, bringing the grand pledge total from these generous everyday philanthropists to $1.65 million - all in support of the realization of working anti-aging medicine, technologies capable of preventing and reversing the root causes of age-related degeneration. Because the Mprize is a research prize, these funds will be multiplied by the alchemy of competition and the human drive to succeed - the X Prize saw 16 dollars raised by competitors for every dollar in the prize, to pick one recent example.

Back when the Mprize volunteers were stalled chasing member number fifteen for Dave Gobel's clever fundraising concept, it was by no means clear that we'd be where we are now. But thanks to persistence, hard work and help from many quarters, here we are - sixty-six members to the Three Hundred and accepting six-figure donations to the Mprize fund. Onwards and upwards!

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