Truth In Satire

The satirists at the Spoof craft a better class of article on attitudes towards longevity and healthy life extension research. Best read out loud in a Groucho Marx voice: "People are sick of dieing. They feel that things will be too uncomfortable without existence. People would rather live to be 100 or older, even if it means having to buy a whole new wardrobe. ... In a poll taken recently, most Americans said they don't want to live to be so old that they cannot wash their armpits without help. If researchers could make it possible to live to 120, other Americans said they would accept that. However, most worry that they'll become unable to use a bow and arrow or have problems running. 'Old age isn't so bad if you can still run at a decent speed.'" For a more serious look at poor attitudes towards longevity based on misconceptions about health, turn to the Fight Aging! blog.


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