The New New Betterhumans

The staff of Betterhumans, one of the largest transhumanist community and news sites, have rolled out their latest site redesign:

I'm very excited to announce the launch of the new Betterhumans. The new site marks a transition to an even more community-driven portal. Please take a look around and see the many improvements over our previous version.

I'll admit to being mildly skeptical that they could pull off the transition from news site to community back when they first started down this path - anyone who has managed resources for an online community will no doubt laugh hollowly at the idea that it's easier than putting out news. I'm pleased that the Betterhumans staff - and community - have made it work. A thriving online community is a far more effective tool for growing the pro-healthy life extension, transhumanist community than a traditionally formatted online magazine could ever be in these increasingly networked times. We need more of them as we strive to bring an appreciation of serious anti-aging research to the public.

As always, I should note that Betterhumans has supported the Methuselah Foundation and the MPrize for anti-aging research since the early days. It's very much appreciated.

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