Coming to That Time Again
It's been a good three years or so since I redesigned the Longevity Meme, and Fight Aging! has operated in its present format for two years now. That last redesign was prompted as much by changes in focus and actitivies as a desire to update the look and feel; that functional pressure for an update is growing once more.
The aims of the Longevity Meme and Fight Aging! have drifted somewhat over the years, and are usually at least a little out of sync with my own views on what would be the best foot forward at any given time. The high level goals remain much the same as they were at the outset, as expressed in the Longevity Meme mission statement:
- Benefits and possibilities resulting from the ongoing and future development and acceptance of healthy life extension technologies;
- Ways in which ordinary individuals can make meaningful contributions to the development and acceptance of healthy life extension technologies;
- Existing healthy life extension technologies, techniques and lifestyles.
My hierarchy of importance and details of implementation have changed with the times, however - last in that list above is presently the foremost of my concerns, for example. Also, I no longer feel much of a need to promote present day healthy life extension methodologies; other people are doing a sterling job for the few that exist, such as calorie restriction.
Beyond these points, communication processes, technologies and - most importantly - culture have shifted quite dramatically in the past few years, and continue to move at a fast pace. If the objective is to effectively deliver a message to as many people as possible as efficiently as possible, you must move with the times ... if that is even still the primary objective. Growth has been pretty flat for a while now, which means it's time to evaluate what I'm up to - and what I think "growth" means, for that matter.
Planning for a redesign moves fairly slowly in this part of the world; the purpose of this post is to let folk know that I'm open to comments and suggestions. My time and resources are limited, and so I would like to be putting them to use in ways that are efficient, effective, and neither duplicative nor wasteful. If you have constructive thoughts on the matter, let me know.