Surveying the Healthy Life Extension Community

Ben Best has been running modestly sized surveys of his end of the healthy life extension community and visitors to his website of late. I think that this is an excellent idea. While we all - hopefully - share a common desire to live longer, healthier lives, the community exhibits a wide diversity of viewpoints and goals. As in many smaller cultures, getting anything meaningful accomplished is often a matter of herding cats - so it can't hurt to get a better handle on where the weight of opinion lies in our growing community. So many new supporters and interesting parties have joined and contributed in recent years that the old assumptions and community knowledge are losing their relevance.

Here is Best's latest, via Cryonet:

The "production version" of my Life Extension Values Clarification Survey is now on my website:

I believe that this survey is a good tool for promoting life extension and cryonics by causing people to re-think their assumptions or raise their consciousness about issues they had not considered.

I request/suggest that cryonicists and life extensionists post the survey URL to the relevant (health, life-extension, etc.) newsgroups, discussion lists, chats, websites, etc., and/or send in e-mail messages to acquaintances as a means of raising awareness about life extension and cryonics. If you have not taken one of the earlier surveys you might want to try it, but otherwise there is not much point in doing so again.

This new survey has already been posted to my website for a few weeks and as of this writing has just reached 100 respondents:

The responses can be compared to my earlier surveys of cryonicists

Jump right on in.

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