A Reminder On Views and Expertise

Via The Age, a reminder that scientists aren't immune to lack of foresight, imagination and specific knowledge outside their domain: "This is complete nonsense, breathtakingly arrogant and breathtakingly ignorant. To extend human lifespan you would need to completely re-engineer the body, which took evolution millions of years to create, and that would result in a completely different being. ... He said mammals have a limited natural life span that is unlikely to change." I'll live with the fact that some folk think it's arrogant to work to defeat aging and thus save more than 100,000 lives every day. Their own lives are made poor by their attitudes. But proposals for engineering the human body for a longer, healthier life are already on the table and well-debated in scientific circles. The discussion is now a matter of "how much more healthy life, and how soon." Those who do not acknowledge this fact are simply out of touch - and perhaps out of their depth.

Link: http://www.theage.com.au/news/National/Geneticists-slams-antiageing-movement/2006/08/09/1154802945088.html