Partial Immortalization

I seem to recall noting that we stand at something of a brand inflection for the future of healthy life extension. The old brands ("life extension", "anti-aging") are losing their strength or merits, and new labels have not yet arisen to prominence. So everyone picks their own, which is fine - let cultural evolution sort out the winners. If the Methuselah Foundation keeps up the good work, it'll be SENS all the way. In this context, I thought I would point you to a book and blog in slow progress - "Partial Immortalization: Regenerative medicine and its consequences". As for so many of these things, I suspect that the footprints left on the journey will prove more valuable than the initially selected destination. The more that people talk sensibly about the advance of healthy life extension medicine, the better. This broad conversation - in media of all sorts, multiple threads running, splitting and crossing all the time - is a necessary precursor to an environment more supportive of research funding.
