Thoughts On Radical Life Extension

You'll see more transhumanist and pro-healthy life extension thinking in the press as those ideas with the most merit are discussed more widely. This via the Naples Sun Times: "Who wants to live forever? I certainly do, but I am constantly amazed by meeting people who don't. ... It doesn't have to be that way any more. Once a science-fiction staple, immortality is another fantastic notion about to become a reality. ... The era of life extension has already begun. We won't have to cheat the Reaper. We'll be able to beat him fair and square. ... If this all seems too fantastic, that's because we all have deep-seated opinions about life and death." I disagree with the assessment of timeframes in this article - that we will die as the last mortal generation, forced to employ the ultimate insurance policy that is cryonics technology. In a world in which widespread support can see a major medical research infrastructure built in a decade, we can do better than that.


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