Aubrey de Grey Video at TEDTalks

The TED Blog notes that video of biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey from 2005 is now available on the TEDTalks section of their website.

Aubrey de Grey, British biogerontologist and founder of [the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, or SENS], controversially claims to have created a roadmap to defeat biological aging. In this talk, he argues that aging - like other diseases - can be cured, and that humans can live for centuries, if only we approach the aging process as "an engineering problem."

Better late than never; you folk engaged in reformatting and transporting this sort of thing to the video sites of the world might not have caught this one yet. Much more video footage of Aubrey de Grey - including interviews, explanations of SENS and related science, the Methuselah Foundation and the moral imperative we all have to do something about the terrible toll of aging - can be found at the following locations:

Send the links to a friend today - the more people exposed to these ideas, the better. Widespread discussion and education is progress towards the growth of an influential pro-healthy life extension community. Such a community is a necessary step on the path to large-scale research and scientific infrastructure dedicated to the development of real anti-aging medicine.

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