Last Call For SENS Popular Science Book Graphics Volunteers

This is rather too close to the wire, but hopefully there are still some folk in the community with time to spend tomorrow. I've been up at strange hours and editing over the past month - and this weekend.

As some of you know, and as mentioned a little while ago Aubrey and I have been working for some time on a popular book on SENS science. We are coming up on a publisher deadline this Sunday night (tomorrow), or early Monday at the absolute latest, and while our last request "grossed" a lot of volunteers, the "net" (in terms of folks actually in a position to help in the required time frame) was lower, and we now really need a few more hands on board urgently.

We really need some folks with the ability to put in some time on at least 1 (and of course preferably more) illustrations for the book in the next 36 hours. Projects range from line drawings and graphs to actual illustrations.

Please email if you can make such a volunteer contribution; it would be greatly appreciated, and acknowledged in the book.


Nothing quite like that exponential increase in work as the deadline moves ever closer; enough to make one feel like time spent at university all over again.

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