A Year-End Message From the Methuselah Foundation

A look back at 2006 and some of what is to come in 2007 from the Methuselah Foundation (MF) founders: "A major effort of the MF during 2006 will become public only in the fall: a popular science book describing [the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS)] in depth for a general audience. It will be published by St. Martin's Press, a major New York publishing house. ... The book will be launched contemporaneously with the next Cambridge SENS conference, which will take place on September 6-10. ... We'll continue to expand our SENS research program, with more manpower at our main LysoSENS site (Arizona State University), additional LysoSENS work at Rice University, a probable doubling of effort on the MitoSENS project in Cambridge, and with several other projects lined up to begin as we obtain the needed funds. Our public outreach activities will be much enhanced in 2007 ... will be aiming to allocate substantial resources to building an organisation of the size needed to defeat aging, including hiring a professional fundraiser and making more frequent visits to meet key potential supporters."

Link: http://blog.methuselahfoundation.org/2006/12/a_yearend_message_from_the_met.html