Aubrey de Grey at the Boston Stem Cell Summit

As noted at the Methuselah Foundation blog, biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey will be speaking at the Boston Stem Cell Summit early next month: "Following the successful conclusion of the third SENS conference in Cambridge, and the recent publication of my book, 'Ending Aging', which has received uniformly favourable reviews, I feel that we're turning the corner - the plausibility of retarding and eventually reversing aging is beginning to percolate into the public consciousness. A telling sign of increasing mainstream acceptance of our work at the Methuselah Foundation is the invitation I recently received to speak at the prestigious Stem Cell Summit to be held in Boston on October 2nd and 3rd. On 3rd October I will be attending the session on aging, followed by heading a table at the 'Conversations with Experts' luncheon." Late notice, I know, but supporters of healthy life extension research might want to attend - the conference is an interesting one, quite aside from any Methuselah Foundation presence.
