Online Chat With Aubrey de Grey, Sunday November 11th
The Immortality Institute, a watering hole for many of the advocates and volunteers of the healthy life extension community, hosts a regular Sunday evening chat at 6:30 PM central time US. This coming Sunday November 11th the chat will be with biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey:
I am happy to announce that the Immortality Institute Sunday evening chat has returned. The regularly scheduled time for the chat is 6:30 p.m. central time U.S. You can log into the Imminst chatroom by following the instructions found here:This week, Sunday November 11th, the Institute proudly welcomes [biomedical gerontologist] and co-founder of the Methuselah Foundation - Aubrey De Grey.
Stop by, relax, and talk SENS!
It's a good opportunity to ask those questions about the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence - and the plausible path to greatly extended healthy longevity - that you've been saving up for just such an occasion.