Common Sense and Those "Modifiable Factors"

No new information here, but frequent reminders never hurt: researchers "studied a group of 2,357 men who were participants in the Physician's Health Study. At the beginning of the study, in 1981 to 1984, the men (average age 72) provided information about demographic and health variables, including height, weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and how often they exercised. ... A total of 970 men (41 percent) lived to age 90 or older. Several modifiable biological and behavioral factors were associated with survival to this exceptional age. ... Smoking, diabetes, obesity and hypertension significantly reduced the likelihood of a 90-year life span, while regular vigorous exercise substantially improved it. ... Adverse factors associated with reduced longevity - smoking, obesity and sedentary lifestyle - also were significantly associated with poorer functional status in elderly years." Take care of the health basics today to improve your chances of living into the era of working rejuvenation technology.
