The Latest Rejuvenation Research

The latest issue of the journal Rejuvenation Research is available online. Most of you skip the cover blurb, I'm sure, but it's worth noting: "Rejuvenation Research publishes cutting-edge work on rejuvenation therapies in the laboratory and clinic, as well as the latest research relevant to what these novel therapeutic approaches must do at the molecular and cellular level in order to be truly effective. Aubrey de Grey, at the helm of this multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, seeks to understand and ultimately defy the mechanisms of aging. He was featured in a recent 60 Minutes segment titled 'The Quest for Immortality'; in a cover story on de Grey, MIT's Technology Review said, 'His tireless efforts...have put him among the most prominent proponents of antiaging science in the world. ... De Grey has become more than a man; he is a movement.' Dr. de Grey and his outstanding international editorial board have the opportunity to further explore and advance the science, and perhaps achieve the ultimate goal of slowing or reversing the process of aging."
