Another Regenerative Strategy For Hearing Loss

Following on from the gene therapy approach for age-related deafness mentioned a few days ago, here's a cell-based therapy via EurekAlert!: "hearing loss due to cochlear damage may be repaired by transplantation of human umbilical cord hematopoietic stem cells ... the team used animal models in which permanent hearing loss had been induced by intense noise, chemical toxicity or both. Cochlear regeneration was only observed in animal groups that received HSC transplants. Researchers used sensitive tracing methods to determine if the transplanted cells were capable of migrating to the cochlea and evaluated whether the cells could contribute to regenerating neurons and sensory tissue in the cochlea. ... Our findings show dramatic repair of damage with surprisingly few human-derived cells having migrated to the cochlea. A fraction of circulating HSC fused with resident cells, generating hybrids, yet the administration of HSC appeared to be correlated with tissue regeneration and repair as the cochlea in non-transplanted mice remained seriously damaged."


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