Attacking Macrophages in Fat

You might recall that the reason excess fat tissue is so damaging seems to be due to roaming macrophages that release inflammatory biochemicals. Via EurekAlert!, a demonstration that reinforces this point: "Over the past decade, it has become quite clear that obesity gives rise to a state of chronic, low-grade inflammation that contributes to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes ... [researchers] recently found that a specific subset of macrophages invades obese fat and muscle tissue. Although little was known about them, those macrophages are defined by a CD11c marker expressed on their surfaces. They also produce high levels of proinflammatory chemicals that are linked to the development of obesity-associated insulin resistance. ... We used a genetic 'trick' that allowed us to rapidly kill these macrophages. The treatment killed these cells within hours, and insulin resistance simply reversed itself. It argues strongly that macrophages are causative for the inflammation that leads to diabetes [in those who are obese]. ... The most interesting thing is that this reversal occurs very rapidly. Twenty-four hours later the animals' insulin response had completely normalized. They were still obese, but no longer insulin resistant."


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