Humanity+ Board Elections Underway
Humanity+, formerly the World Transhumanist Association, is positioning itself these days as an unthreatening organization with a middle-of-the-road position on futurism, interested in human growth and welfare. In this era, that means a lot of consideration given to policy, government, control, and the teeming environmentalist masses who are terrified of science and believe the world is ending. The latest iteration of the transhumanist declaration contains a wealth of that sort of thing lurking between the lines. Far more, in fact, than actual thoughts on progress!
This is a way forward, consciously chosen. I like the name change, but I can't say I think the rest of it is a good path ahead - I'm more in favor of suitably outrageous extremes, freedom, and getting things done directly - but the nascent Humanity+ strategy is an appealing choice for many.
Humanity+ is presently electing a new board with voting taking place from today through Thursday:
Humanity+ (WTA) Board members set policy goals and oversee their implementation, contributing with their experience and expertise to the WTA's work. We’ve got a very full agenda for the coming year, setting up our new website, revising the Transhumanist Declaration, fundraising, building our network of chapters and student groups, and publishing our new H+ magazine....
Voting will be conducted Monday January 12th to Thursday January 15th, 2009.
You can become a voting member here:
The varied candidates have posted their statements online at the Humanity+ site; you might recognize some of the names from the pro-longevity community.