Learning From Cryonics History
An episode of NPR's This American Life looks at one unfortunate episode in early cryonics history: a failed provider who got in over his head, wherein the preserved bodies were lost. "It's the late 1960s, and in the new technology of cryonics, a California TV repairman named Bob sees an opportunity to help people cheat death. But freezing dead people so scientists can reanimate them in the future is a lot harder than it sounds. Harder still was admitting to the family members of people Bob had frozen that he'd screwed up. Badly." Caveat emptor should always be the motto - if you're interested in cryonics, be interested enough to learn about the cryonics providers that exist today and why they are unlike past failed efforts. Cryonics is a service that requires more than volunteer effort and you should expect to pay for it - an affordable amount if well planned, but nothing meaningful is free in this world. Like all services, you should look for a reputable provider who has been in the business for a while, has good references, and can point to pleased customers.
Link: http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=354