New European Cryonics Organization to Launch

Michael Anissimov notes that a new cryonics support organization is starting up in Europe: "EUCRIO will officially launch on Friday, October 1st. ... EUCRIO is an organization that specializes in providing state-of-the-art standby, stabilization, and transport procedures for cryonicists in the European Union. EUCRIO is pleased to assist members of the three main cryonics storage provider organizations. ... If one of our members has an emergency we deploy our trained and well-equipped team to stand-by the patient's bedside, ready to give the best stabilization services. The patient is given stabilization medications, cooled down, and perfused with vitrification solutions before further cooling to dry ice temperatures for air-transport to the appropriate cryonics organization for long-term preservation using liquid nitrogen. Our primary mission is to improve human cryopreservation and safeguard the lives of our members. ... EUCRIO employs a wide variety of professionals: including physicians, perfusionists, emergency medical technicians, engineers and scientists, throughout the European Union. EUCRIO has staff members ready to intervene across the European Union and all are ready to respond to clients at all times." As I've remarked in the past, the support and infrastructure for conducting cryopreservation events is an area in need of both improvement and more participation. The actual provision of ongoing low temperature storage for the recently deceased, while a challenge in and of itself, is easy in comparison to managing end of life issues and a timely cryopreservation.


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