A Poster on the Aging of Stem Cells from the Science for Life Extension Foundation

Via Maria Konovalenko, here is another attractive poster on the biology of aging from some of the folk behind the Russian Science for Life Extension Foundation. There are more of these documents out there than are translated to English, more is the pity, but the supply of people who can make good technical translations in cutting edge life science from Russian to English (and have both the time and motivation to do so) is limited at the best of times. The image below is low-quality - click through for the full size version.

You might look back in the Fight Aging! archives for a few more of these posters:

You'll also find other documents at the Science for Life Extension Foundation website (scroll down for the links) and if you're up for reading the original Russian, you'll find a great deal of similarly interesting material at researcher Alexey Moskalev's blog.