Aubrey de Grey and Max More will be Speaking at the BIL Unconference in March

This year's BIL unconference will be held on March 3rd, on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California.

BIL is an ad-hoc conference for people changing the world in big ways. It's a place for passionate people to come together to energize, brainstorm, and take action. ... Most of you have heard of TED or watched the talks online, but do you know about BIL, the quirky, populist, unconference taking place nearby? Open to the public and fully participant powered, BIL features a wild mix of technologists, scientists, artists, hackers, and those with a passion for community awareness.

Amongst those scheduling themselves to speak are Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Foundation and Max More of Alcor:

De Grey's research focuses on whether regenerative medicine can thwart the aging process. He works on the development of what he calls "Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence" (SENS), a tissue-repair strategy intended to rejuvenate the human body and allow an indefinite lifespan. To this end, he has identified seven types of molecular and cellular damage caused by essential metabolic processes. SENS is a proposed panel of therapies designed to repair this damage.


Max More is an internationally acclaimed strategic philosopher widely recognized for his thinking on the philosophical and cultural implications of emerging technologies. ... At the start of 2011, he became President and CEO of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, the world's leading cryonics organization. ... Max will give a fresh perspective on cryonics as a bridge to an indefinitely extended life.

You'll find some other familiar faces in the list of participants, some of whom are also quite active in the longevity science advocacy community.