Michael Batin's Speech at the 2nd International Conference on the Genetics of Aging and Longevity

Following on from a recent interview with Michael Batin, one of the organizers of the 2nd International Conference on the Genetics of Aging and Longevity, here is a machine translation of his speech to the attendees: "We hope that the conference will identify the most promising points of growth, will contribute to international scientific and research funding [from] international and national foundations, private investors. Let me ask the main question [in biogerontology]. Why [is] aging research funded by the minimum amount? How to change the situation? How to change the attitudes of society and government to seek scientific methods of prolonging life? The first thing that prevents us [is that] aging itself is not considered a disease. Although the aging process fully complies with all common signs of the disease. Aging - a cause of illness and disease. Failure to understand this - [a] deadly mistake. The price of this confusion is very real - [100,000] people die every day from diseases related to aging. Another misconception - aging can be successful and healthy. No, [it] can not! Aging can flow more smoothly. Aging can be slowed down. But you can not make a destructive process or healthy, or successful. As it is impossible to make a decent poverty [or toothache enjoyable]. [This is] the amazing paradox. Nobody disputes the fact that there is nothing more important than human life. All agree that there is nothing more terrible than death. Many suspect that the main cause of death in people [is] aging. But few people make this a logical conclusion. What is the most useful and meaningful activity that has ever engaged [mankind? It is the] struggle with aging. And in particular [the study of] fundamental mechanisms of aging and genetics of longevity. That's what [the scientists in this room do].. And I believe [that they are the] most helpful people on the planet."

Link: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://m-batin.livejournal.com/141452.html