Society For Venturism Cryonics Conference, October 2013

The Society for Venturism has been a part of the cryonics advocacy community since the 1980s, and so is one of the older portions of the modern transhumanist movement. The cryonics industry, which has existed in a rigorous form since the 1970s, focuses on preserving the brain and thus the structure of the mind following death, so as to offer a chance at restoration to life and health by future medical technologies, such as those that might be built on a foundation of molecular nanotechnology and medical nanorobotics. The chance of success is unknown, but very much greater than zero, which are the odds you'll get when opting for the traditional choice of grave, gravestone, and oblivion. Over the decades cryonics providers have moved from simple freezing and its attendant issues of tissue damage to the modern process of vitrification and a practiced procedure of standby and support for terminal patients.

Cryonics is an important part of the longevity science community, for all that it garners far too little attention from the world at large: billions will die before methods of rejuvenating the old and preventing age-related frailty become widespread throughout the world even under the best case scenarios of funding and public support. Cryonics is a way for those who will age to death too soon to have a shot at the future of greatly extended lives and youth.

Still, while the cryonics community has grown and become more professional and research-oriented with time, it has failed to find the footing and support for an earnest transition into the mainstream. The number of people cryopreserved to date is around 250 or so, a miniscule fraction of those who have died over the past four decades and who had the funds to hand to choose cryopreservation. In recent years, the public and press view of cryonics has become less hostile and much more understanding, however. New cryonics organizations have been established or are in the process of establishment outside the US. So there is hope that the process of growth and improvement will continue at a faster pace in the future.

Venturist Society FAQ Cryonics Conference

The convention this year has a lineup of prominent and inspirational speakers in the fields of cryonics, radical life extension and transhumanism, including Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D., Max More, Ph.D. and experts in other areas.

The name of the convention will be the FAQ Cryonics Convention. FAQ, as most people know, stands for Frequently Asked Questions. This convention will be open to people who are already signed up for cryonics, and for prospects for cryonics as we also we expect a good turnout from people who are thinking about joining. [It is] to be held at Don Laughlin's Riverside Resort in Laughlin, Nevada on October 25, 26 & 27, 2013.

Aubrey de Grey, of the SENS Research Foundation, will be giving this presentation:

A biologist's view on why cryonics is feasible: Many non-biologists presume that cryonics must be fantasy because it is not mainstream. This is a reasonable inference for those who do not appreciate how appallingly balkanised biology is, with almost all biologists being expert in only a very narrow area and having no time to study other areas. Since a field's reputation for infeasibility is a reason not to pay attention it, this parlous situation is self-fulfilling. In this talk I will see to rectify it.