Last Day of the Year, and a Little Room is Left in the Last SENS Matching Fund of 2014: Donate!

Our 2014 fundraiser to benefit the work of the SENS Research Foundation on rejuvenation biotechnology came to a successful completion two weeks ago. At the time I noted that a new $10,000 matching fund was put in place by a generous supporter, and all donations for the remainder of the year are matched. It is now the last day of the year and a little under $2,000 remains in order to meet this goal. So donate!

We are excited to note that a new challenge grant has been received from Ronny Hatteland, AutoStore - Software Developer. For every dollar we receive from now until the end of the year (December 15 - 31st), the first $10,000 will be matched by Ronny's generous gift. Ronny tells us that "The work of the SENS Research Foundation gives us all a chance to secure ourselves a healthy future and an extended lifetime to continue to embrace all that life has to offer us. I am very pleased to support SENS Research Foundation and I encourage all of you to join me."



I just gave some more. I do hope that the fund will be matched in time, but even if it doesn't, my money certainly won't be wasted.

Posted by: Nico at December 31st, 2014 2:39 PM
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