Triple Matching of SENS Donations on Giving Tuesday, Coming Up on December 1st

Giving Tuesday is the Black Friday of the non-profit world, a collaborative event organized across the whole of the non-profit community in which activists and advocates raise awareness, coordinate activities, and inform the decisions that people make about charitable donations at the end of the year. This year Giving Tuesday falls on December 1st. As I'm sure you're all aware, we're in the midst of raising funds for SENS rejuvenation research, the best and most effective of initiatives aimed at bringing aging under medical control. We have a little under $60,000 to go before the end of the year to hit our targets, and I'm pleased to note that if you donate to the SENS Research Foundation on December 1st your donation will be matched threefold - by the Fight Aging! matching fund, the Croeni Foundation, and Aubrey de Grey:

SENS Research Foundation is getting ready to celebrate #GivingTuesday on December 1st. GivingTuesday is now a global event celebrated by supporters of various charities giving to their favorite causes. If you've been planning on contributing to the fight against age-related disease this year, GivingTuesday is a great opportunity to make a difference.

So far, SENS Research Foundation has 3 matching grants set up for GivingTuesday. The first is our FightAging! Challenge which will match every dollar you give us up to $125,000. On GivingTuesday, the first $5,000 we raise will not be doubled or even tripled - it will be quadrupled thanks to the generosity of the Croeni Foundation and Aubrey de Grey. Help us turn $5000 into $20,000 and accelerate the fight against age-related diseases! Donate at on December 1st.

Seize this chance to make a real difference in the future of human health and longevity! The staff and allies of the SENS Research Foundation have demonstrated over the past decade that they can produce real, meaningful results with our donations, pushing forward the state of the art closer to the realization of effective therapies for aging. The potential to fundamentally change the world of medicine is very real: those of us yet to be old have a shot at ensuring that treatments arrive soon enough to prevent us from suffering age-related pain, disability, and frailty. The causes of aging, well-cataloged forms of cell and tissue damage, can in principle be repaired, and the path to doing so is just about as clear as research and development can ever be.

This is the time for it. We stand in the initial years of a revolution in the capabilities and cost of biotechnology. Early stage research in the life sciences has become very cheap; a few tens of thousands of dollars can go a long way in an established laboratory, producing real progress at the cutting edge when spent wisely. Yet much of the necessary, revolutionary work in aging research is only funded by philanthropy, as traditional funding institutions are risk-averse and don't become involved until the prototypes are built, the case proven. In essence all important progress in medicine depends on the early participation of people like you and I, who are both aware of the possibilities, and interested enough in the outcome of greater healthy longevity to help make it happen.

For most people, medical research is invisible. They'll never read about it, never think about it, until it is too late to have made a difference that mattered. Reading this, you have a chance to avoid that scenario. The more that is done now to start the avalanche of rejuvenation biotechnology development, the greater the results decades from now, at a time when aging is encroaching upon your health. Don't let this opportunity slip away: help fund the work of the SENS Research Foundation on the scientific basis needed to bring an end to degenerative aging.


I'll be sure to donate on that day, thank you for the reminder.

Posted by: Nico at November 24th, 2015 2:41 PM

And my axe!

Posted by: Seth at November 24th, 2015 3:36 PM

And my Bow!

Posted by: Steve H at November 26th, 2015 4:13 AM
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