Exercise Associated with a Halved Risk of Cardiovascular Mortality in Older People

This study is a good example of the degree to which the choice to remain active in later life makes a difference. That implies a range of other choices over the decades in order to raise the odds that you can in fact choose to remain active when older, such as avoiding weight gain.

Moderate physical activity is associated with a greater than 50% reduction in cardiovascular death in over-65s. The 12 year study in nearly 2500 adults aged 65 to 74 years found that moderate physical activity reduced the risk of an acute cardiovascular event by more than 30%. High levels of physical activity led to greater risk reductions. The present study assessed the association between leisure time physical activity and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and mortality in 2456 men and women aged 65 to 74 years who were enrolled into the National FINRISK Study between 1997 and 2007. Baseline data collection included self-administered questionnaires on physical activity and other health related behaviour, clinical measurements (blood pressure, weight and height), and laboratory measurements including serum cholesterol. Participants were followed up until the end of 2013. Deaths were recorded from the National Causes of Death Register and incident CVD events (coronary heart disease and stroke) were collected from the National Hospital Discharge register.

During a median follow-up of 11.8 years, 197 participants died from CVD and 416 had a first CVD event. When the researchers assessed the link between physical activity and outcome they adjusted for other cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, smoking and cholesterol) and social factors (marital status and education). To minimise reverse causality, where worse health leads to less physical activity, patients with coronary heart disease, heart failure, cancer, or prior stroke at baseline were excluded from the analysis. The investigators found that moderate and high leisure time physical activity were associated with a 31% and 45% reduced risk of an acute CVD event, respectively. Moderate and high leisure time physical activity were associated with a 54% and 66% reduction in CVD mortality. "Our study provides further evidence that older adults who are physically active have a lower risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and death from cardiovascular disease. The protective effect of leisure time physical activity is dose dependent - in other words, the more you do, the better. Activity is protective even if you have other risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as high cholesterol."

Link: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-08/esoc-mpa082616.php


Hello there ! Not that more research is bad, it's good to get a better overal portrait and 'perfect' our understanding, but there is point when you have to say ''good enough'' I do Something else now.

I don't understand these exercice studies that keep on being made,
why do they keep on making them, this is has been categorized, put in litterature data and
is known for some 30+ years. They should block/reduce money towards these researchers (it's almost as if they are trying to find something to 'research on'
since they ran out of ideas or they want to justify the continued 'researching on research 'of something' and ''health research'' that work should be erased now - especially when they know it doesn't cure aging/death, it's just to keep you healthy - while you die on clock.
they are now mostly redundant. money pit/throwing cash out the window or almost useless because they tell nothing new. Almost everybody knows exercise
has certain benefits on health and lifespan, but what are the benefits of this study or the
next one on - curing aging - who will say : '' "Our study provides Further evidence that older adults who are physically active have a lower risk of dying...''
Thanks for telling us something we already know/tell us something we don't know. There has been further enough data as it is on exercise, let it be. No ???...Is that not 'Sane' reasoning, they are almost Insane in their reasoning.
Again with ingrainness and retardation. I'm also sure there will be a new exercise study
in people 77 to 77.5 years old, and then one in 77.5 to 77.75 years old, and then one in 77.75 to 78.00 years old , and then....
Instead, they should reorient the funds towards SENS and other therapies (FDA/ncbi.nlm.nih is probably the reason why it doesn't happen). But, they won't, because they know exercise
works, almost the only sole one with CR and the easiest method to slow aging; so they will keep on making studies on it - when there is 'nothing' more
to be known or be done about exercise (it has reached the deadend, it is useless to reverse aging but only slightly slow our demise, thus utterly pointless
to put more cash on it. But for them, curing aging is an utopic joke, they prefer slowing it so we die and tell people to 'stay healthy' and age gracefully (Thanks..).
Also, People do exercise, more and into old age, it's great. Done. Move on. Now, time to change/reoriente towards doing something
about reversing aging (they won't want to do that because no therapy exists yet to entice them). Just a thought.

Posted by: CANanonymity at August 31st, 2016 2:19 PM

I'm with you on that one. These studies are - at this point - completely useless.
We already know it works. Enough is enough.

Posted by: Anonymoose at August 31st, 2016 6:02 PM

Yet another study that finds an association. Yes, they try to adjust for other causations, but who knows how many factors are out there?

Posted by: Peter Lind at August 31st, 2016 7:01 PM
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