The Longevity 2020 Online Conference, to be Held April 27th to May 1st 2020

All of the longevity industry and gerontology conferences in coming months have been cancelled or rescheduled as a result of the present mix of COVID-19 pandemic and hysteria. An equal mix of both, perhaps. The best data to date puts the mortality rate at 0.66% or so, meaning about six yearly flu seasons worth of risk, and even that number is most likely still overstating the risk, as it misses the presently unknown count of infections that result in only minor symptoms. An article from earlier in the month on the uncertainties in all published numbers remains one of the more sane pieces written on the topic.

Still, when life hands you lemons, set up an online conference instead of merely mourning the end of gathering in person. So the Longevity.Technology team is assembling Longevity 2020, a four day online event of presentations for scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors in the longevity industry. The online conference will run from April 27th to May 1st, just four weeks away. Since the restrictions on productive economic activity look to last to the end of April at the very least in the US, we will all still have time on our hands by that point. If you have a company to pitch, research to present, or something sensible to say about human longevity and the treatment of aging as a medical condition, then it isn't too late to reach out and secure a place in the program.

Longevity 2020

You're at home. So are most of the experts in longevity. So, let's get together. Learn, share knowledge, build our networks, and take a break from Netflix. This difficult period will pass. It all begins with an idea. We're the team behind Longevity.Technology and, like you, we're disappointed that events have been cancelled, funding rounds postponed, and new knowledge is going unshared. So we thought: everyone's at home, even world experts, so let's get together and keep the Longevity sector on track. Boom.

We're using a new and interactive online events platform that enables you to interact with speakers directly, see full media presentations, meet with like-minded people, and build lasting relationships. Once we're happy that we have our killer programme of speakers and subjects we'll switch ticketing to live. Meanwhile, please pre-register so that you can stay updated: the button's up-top.

Defining Biological Aging

Addressing the need for candidate definitions from different, biological, clinical, logical and computational angles to adopt a consensus definition for biological aging. How are traditional biomarkers like body composition, muscle strength and cognition complimented by the techniques of methylation, inflammation, and epigenetics? With so many opinions and options: how can scientists prove their technologies and investors invest with confidence?

Rejuvenation Therapies

What progress is being made in senolytics, gene editing, immunotherapy, mitochondrial restoration, indication expansion, nutraceuticals, peptides, stem cells, and more? What companies are moving through the drug development pipeline towards in-human studies and ultimately the approval to market true rejuvenation therapies? With the toning-down of the '1000 year lifespan' rhetoric, there is growing confidence in the sciences of healthspan and lifespan: what should we expect within our lifetimes?

AI and Longevity

How is AI accelerating longevity and where: molecule identification, pre-clinical validation, digital health, lifestyle interventions, finance. With pre-clinical discovery reduced from months down to days, what are the implications for new longevity therapies in the new AI world? With apps directing us to live better and exercise more and people needing to live independently for longer - we explore the latest exciting AI applications.

Longevity Investing

It's all about growing the investment category: risk management, going public, investment platforms, emerging tech: 3D bioprinting, neuroceuticals, organ growth, agetech, and more. As markets are challenged by COVID-19 and investors run to safe havens, who are the key players in Longevity investing and where are they putting their money? The global longevity economy is projected to reach $27 trillion in 2026. With such a wide field, where are the market opportunities and which companies are innovating and disrupting?

Longevity: Start Now

What can you be doing to address your Longevity now: supplements, metformin, mTOR, NAD+, rapamycin, biohacking, fasting, biomarker tracking, monitoring apps. There are many pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies that people talk about - but which ones show the most evidence in managing the hallmarks of aging? With many beginning to prescribe and self-prescribe drugs off-label - what are the risks and where is the proof of efficacy?