Matching Funds Now Triple Year End Donations to Fund Rejuvenation Research at the SENS Research Foundation

The SENS Research Foundation is one of the most important of the scientific and advocacy institutions presently working to make sure that viable approaches to rejuvenation advance to the point at which they can be commercially developed for use in human medicine. If you are deciding on where to make a charitable contribution for the end of 2020, then look no further than this organization, currently running their year end fundraiser. The next $300,000 of donations are presently tripled by matching funds provided by supporters - so jump in while that is the case!

SENS Research Foundation 2020 End of Year Fundraiser

Thanks to a generous matching challenge by Oculus co-founder Michael Antonov, up to $600,000 donated before the end of 2020 will be doubled! But wait, there's more. A team of SRF supporters - Brendan Iribe, Karl Pfleger, Jim Mellon, Dave Fisher, Christophe Cornuejols and Larry Levinson - have joined forces to offer a further $300,000 matching grant. This pool of funds runs in parallel to Michael's challenge, which means the next $300,000 donated will be tripled!

The SENS Research Foundation has long specialized in unblocking areas of research relevant to aging that have received too little attention and funding. Notable successes include the discovery of bacterial enzymes to degrade persistent molecular waste such as A2E, a cause of retinal degeneration, as well as the creation of cyclodextrin molecules that can sequester 7-ketocholesterol, a toxic metabolic byproduct that contributes to numerous age-related and other conditions. The former program led to preclinical development at LysoClear, a part of the Ichor Therapeutics portfolio, and the latter gave rise to the spin out company Underdog Pharmaceuticals. Further, the SENS Research Foundation funded work on the tools needed to work with glucosepane, an advanced glycation endproduct that forms the majority of persistent cross-links in aged human tissue, and that led to Revel Pharmaceuticals, a company funded to develop candidate cross-link breakers.

There are other examples and other projects still underway on mechanisms necessary to produce human rejuvenation. The SENS Research Foundation gets things done, and funds provided go a long way towards ensuring that our personal futures are long and healthy. The only way to get there is to build better medicine, and that starts with the sort of work carried out at the SENS Research Foundation, supported by everyday philanthropists and people of vision, just like you and I.