miR-455 is Protective in Osteoarthritis

MicroRNAs are involved in the regulation of gene expression, increasing or decreasing the production of proteins for specific genes, and thereby changing cell behavior. Researchers here find a microRNA that acts to reduce cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis. Levels are reduced in human osteoarthritic cartilage, and delivering this microRNA as a therapy reduces the level of pathology in a mouse model of injury-induced osteoarthritis. The delivery of manufactured microRNA, intended to alter cell behavior in advantageous ways, is a growing area of development. There is enough industry support to encourage more basic research into this approach to manipulating cell activity. It is a step up from small molecule approaches in terms of off-target effects and size of therapeutic effect, but remains considerably more expensive.

Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common aging-related joint disease, is caused by an imbalance between extracellular matrix synthesis and degradation. Here, we discover that both strands of microRNA-455 (miR-455), -5p and -3p, are up-regulated by Sox9, an essential transcription factor for cartilage differentiation and function. Both miR-455-5p and -3p are highly expressed in human chondrocytes from normal articular cartilage and in mouse primary chondrocytes.

We generate miR-455 knockout mice, and find that cartilage degeneration mimicking OA and elevated expression of cartilage degeneration-related genes are observed at 6-months-old. Using a cell-based miRNA target screening system, we identify hypoxia-inducible factor-2α (HIF-2α), a catabolic factor for cartilage homeostasis, as a direct target of both miR-455-5p and -3p. In addition, overexpression of both miR-455-5p and -3p protect cartilage degeneration in a mouse OA model, demonstrating their potential therapeutic value. Furthermore, knockdown of HIF-2α in 6-month-old miR-455 knockout cartilage rescues the elevated expression of cartilage degeneration-related genes.

This data strongly implicates miR-455-5p and -3p in supporting articular cartilage homeostasis by targeting Hif-2α.

Link: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24460-7


I will not hold my breath until there are human studies. Murine models for age-related diseases translate poorly to humans...

Posted by: Cuberat at September 1st, 2021 7:35 AM

Studies like these (miRNA X does Y in Z cells) are a dime a dozen written by chinese paper mills.
Probably only surpassed by fake studies on the effects of traditional chinese medicine.

Posted by: Jones at September 1st, 2021 9:35 AM
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