Osteoarthritis is an Inflammatory Condition

It is by now well-recognized that chronic inflammation is an important contributing cause of many common age-related diseases. Osteoarthritis is one of these, in which the maintenance of joint tissue is disrupted by unresolved inflammatory signaling. Reduction of inflammation is an important goal, but to date the interventions that can achieve this outcome are comparatively crude, a blockade of specific signal molecules that suppresses some degree of both excessive and necessary inflammatory responses. The long term side-effects of an immune system suppressed in this way are undesirable and include an increased vulnerability to pathogens. Clearance of senescent cells with senolytic therapies, removing their always-on pro-inflammatory signaling, represents the first approach to the suppression of inflammation that dampens only excess inflammation. We can hope that the future brings more such technologies.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a musculoskeletal disease characterized by cartilage degeneration and stiffness, with chronic pain in the affected joint. It has been proposed that OA progression is associated with the development of low-grade inflammation (LGI) in the joint. In support of this principle, LGI is now recognized as the major contributor to the pathogenesis of obesity, aging, and metabolic syndromes, which have been documented as among the most significant risk factors for developing OA. These discoveries have led to a new definition of the disease, and OA has recently been recognized as a low-grade inflammatory disease of the joint.

Damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), or alarmin molecules, the major cellular components that facilitate the interplay between cells in the cartilage and synovium, activate various molecular pathways involved in the initiation and maintenance of LGI in the joint, which, in turn, drives OA progression. A better understanding of the pathological mechanisms initiated by LGI in the joint represents a decisive step toward discovering therapeutic strategies for the treatment of OA. Recent findings and discoveries regarding the involvement of LGI mediated by DAMPs in OA pathogenesis are discussed. Modulating communication between cells in the joint to decrease inflammation represents an attractive approach for the treatment of OA.

Link: https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10051109


I raised the idea of "retraining" immune cells & the idea was dismissed as too complex. I wish I better understood why that method is too complex.

If we can ever figure out exactly how the immune system works to recognize its targets, then we could maybe interrogate young immune cells to determine what, exactly they were trained to recognize. Given that we are 99.4% alike, genetically... though that 0.6% difference is very important given that our bodies react strongly during host vs graft.

Still, there is an effort underway to create xeno grown organs. Perhaps what is learned there could apply to creating youthful, off the shelf, pre-trained immune cells.

Posted by: Matt at June 8th, 2022 7:09 AM

Err... Doesn't the name OsteoarthrITIS already declare that it is an inflammatory condition? I'm confused.

'-itis' - "word-forming element in medicine denoting "diseases characterized by inflammation"

Posted by: Jones at June 8th, 2022 8:48 AM

I agree with Jones, concluding that OA is caused by LGI is a water is wet conclusion. I suffer from OA so it is something I have given a lot of thought. I have been able to mitigate my OA with MSC and exosome injections into the joints. $25,000 so far, not a good long term solution but better than being borderline crippled. I have concluded my OA is caused by a high monosodium urate load in my synovial fluids due to hyperuricemia. I have been under going urate lower therapy for only 3.5 months, but have noticed a large improvement in my ability to bend over and pick things up off the floor in the mourning. Also the unexpected benefits of improved memory and eyesight.

Posted by: JohnD at June 9th, 2022 2:28 PM

@JohnD Would you mind saying what clinic you got the MSC and exosome injections at? I know results can vary a lot by clinic, but it sounds like you found a clinic that was able to help you to at least some degree.

Posted by: K at June 11th, 2022 8:17 PM

December 2020, Organicell exosomes in both knees. Still doing well, but I don't run as much as I used to.
End April 2022, New LIfe Regenerative Medicine REX exosomes in the left shoulder (injured in bike accident), too soon to give an enthusiastic endorsement, but the recovery is progressing according to schedule so far. cheaper, but that may just be a reduction in price due to increased competition in 2022.
2017, 2018 and 2019 placental tissue MSCs in shoulders and knees, I don't remember the supplier names.

Posted by: JohnD at June 12th, 2022 8:49 PM
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