Senescent Cells Contribute to the Degeneration of the Retinal Vasculature

Senescent cells accumulate with age throughout the body. While their numbers remain a small fraction of all cells in a tissue, even in late life, senescent cells produce an outsized harm to tissue structure and function via a continual, disruptive, pro-growth, pro-inflammatory signaling, the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Researchers have demonstrated, in animal models, that senescent cells directly contribute to the onset and progression of many distinct age-related conditions. Further, it has been shown in animal models that clearing senescent cells throughout the body can rapidly reverse pathology in these conditions.

Degeneration of the vasculature is involved in retinopathies, forms of degenerative blindness. In today's open access review, researchers outline what is known of the way in which senescent cells contribute to the degenerative aging of the retina. That senescent cells are involved offers the prospect of using senolytic therapies to selectively remove these cells and their contribution to the disease state. Sadly, few groups are making use of existing low-cost senolytic small molecules in human clinical trials, so while treatments such as the dasatinib and quercetin combination are known to clear senescent cells in humans to about the same degree as in mice, they are not yet widely used. Scores of age-related conditions might be treated or slowed via this approach, but the focus of the industry is on the production and regulatory approval of new senolytics over the years ahead.

Senescent Cells: Dual Implications on the Retinal Vascular System

As we get older, more cells in healthy tissues become senescent. Senescent cells (SCs) are inactive in terms of reproduction, but extremely active in terms of metabolism and potentially inflame the milieu by producing thousands of bioactive molecules. Growth and development are not possible without the presence of SCs due to the critical role of SCs in a variety of biological processes such as embryogenesis, limb generation, wound healing, host immunity, and tumor suppression. However, due to the proinflammatory entity of senescent cells, their chronic accumulation is associated with a gradual decline in tissue function and age-related disorders.

Diseased blood vessels are a common feature in many eye disorders including retinopathy of prematurity, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. Mounting recent evidence has discovered the accumulation of senescent neurons and blood vessels in the retina. However, the underlying mechanisms of senescent cell contribution in retinal vasculopathies are not well defined yet. Here, we reviewed dichotomous implications of SCs at the onset and severity of proliferative retinopathies with a specific focus on the retinal vascular system. In a retinal blood vessel, the senescence phenotype in endothelial cells is associated with lower barrier integrity and increased permeability probably due to the impairment of both adherence and tight junctions.

In retinopathies, the hypoxic/oxidative stress induces cellular senescence in retinal neuronal cells that reside predominantly in the avascular zone. The inflammatory secretome of the cell cycle arrested cell boosts and propagates the senescence phenotype to the surrounding tissues in a paracrine and autocrine manner. Dysregulated angiogenesis is another feature of proliferative retinopathies in which SCs play a role. The presence of angiogenic factors, as a part of the SASP secretome, attracts tip cells of retinal blood vessels to the ischemic area and leads to excessive uncontrolled vascularization in the retina. The newly formed blood vessels are leaky, tortuous, and misdirected and do not properly supply the high energy-demanding tissues of the retina and stimulate the senescence phenotype in surrounding retinal cells.

In the retina, it is vital to bear in mind that all implications of SCs are not detrimental. Immune-mediated clearance of senescent endothelial cells at the late stage of proliferative retinopathies promotes regression of the pathological neovascular tufts and prepares the retina for reparative vascular regression. Recruited mechanisms by retinal immune cells for eliminating stressed endothelial cells are comprehensively described in this review. Finally, senolytics and senomorphics are discussed as two main available therapeutic strategies for eliminating retinal SCs in proliferative retinopathies.


Glaucoma is a disease of old people. Recently it has been found that many diseases of aging are caused by Senescent cells (Google that for more info). I found an article that ties them together from 2005!
The key result is that they found an average FOUR fold increase in senecent cells in the drainage system of people with glaucoma compared to healthy eyes! (the following is taken from the article because it fits this subject perfectly.) "That senescent cells are involved offers the prospect of using senolytic therapies to selectively remove these cells and their contribution to the disease state. Sadly, few groups are making use of existing low-cost senolytic small molecules in human clinical trials, so while treatments such as the dasatinib and quercetin combination are known to clear senescent cells in humans to about the same degree as in mice, they are not yet widely used. Scores of age-related conditions might be treated or slowed via this approach, but the focus of the industry is on the production and regulatory approval of new senolytics over the years ahead"
. So I will try this known safe and effective treatment to try and save my vision as the disease has already damged one eye beyond repair. In the past 18 years no one has bothered to follow up on this article?? Medical science has failed us again!

Posted by: Dean at October 30th, 2023 7:32 PM

Dean, Have you decided on a protocol? There are a couple good commercial once per month supplements that combine natural senolytics. You can also buy them individually and create your own dosage. Will you be adding prescription drug components such as dasatinab?
Some people would like to do something now - not wait for more trial results or for second generation senolytics to become available. 2023 is coming to a close, AI is coming on strong. I'd like advice on the best up to date protocol guess as of right now.
Also, will you dose every month? If the routine is clearing only the s cells you've built up over the last month, how can it possibly clear 60:years of build-up? At the same time, if it can clear a good percentage of 60 years of build-up - I'd think it would be too strong to take on an ongoing monthly basis after the initial 2-3 month clearing. I hope we get more clarity soon!

Posted by: august33 at October 31st, 2023 10:00 PM

Figure this out before blindly experieme ting with substances (and their metabolites) that might not even reach the target area.

Blood-ocular barrier

Consider esp. Blood-retinal barrier.

Posted by: Jones at November 2nd, 2023 5:18 AM
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