Anabolic Resistance in Sarcopenia

Anabolic resistance is a description of a state, not a starting point for a therapy. Anabolism is the metabolism of growth and repair, and in a state of anabolic resistance cells become less responsive to the signaling environment that normally encourages growth and repair. If the goal is therapies, then why this anabolic resistance occurs becomes the question. Muscles lose mass and strength with age, leading to the condition called sarcopenia. This, obviously, must involve anabolic resistance, and here researchers discuss what is known of this view of the sarcopenia of old age.

The development of sarcopenia in the elderly is associated with many potential factors and/or processes that impair the renovation and maintenance of skeletal muscle mass and strength as ageing progresses. Among them, a defect by skeletal muscle to respond to anabolic stimuli is to be considered. Common anabolic stimuli/signals in skeletal muscle are hormones (insulin, growth hormones, IGF-1, androgens, and β-agonists such epinephrine), substrates (amino acids such as protein precursors on top, but also glucose and fat, as source of energy), metabolites (such as β-agonists and HMB), various biochemical/intracellular mediators), physical exercise, neurogenic and immune-modulating factors, etc. Each of them may exhibit a reduced effect upon skeletal muscle in ageing.

In this article, we overview the role of anabolic signals on muscle metabolism, as well as currently available evidence of resistance, at the skeletal muscle level, to anabolic factors, from both in vitro and in vivo studies. Some indications on how to augment the effects of anabolic signals on skeletal muscle are provided.



Anabolic resistance is a catchy name. I can imagine it being the new Insulin resistance in 2024.

Posted by: JohnD at November 3rd, 2023 5:35 PM
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