Promoting Autophagy via KIF9 in an Alzheimer's Mouse Model

Autophagy is the name given to a collection of processes for recycling damaged structures in the cell. It is complex, involving means of determining that a structure is in some way damaged or excess to requirements, wrapping that structure in a membrane called an autophagosome, transporting the autophagosome into contact with a lysosome, and then merging autophagosome and lysosome to allow the enzymes of the lysosome to break down and recycle the autophagosome contents. Increased efficiency in autophagy is a feature of many of the interventions demonstrated to slow aging in animal studies, including lifestyle interventions such as exercise and calorie restriction. Evidence suggests that the age-slowing effects of calorie restriction depend upon this upregulation of autophagy, that it is the most important aspect of the changed biochemistry that results from a reduced availability of nutrients.

Given all of this, there is considerable interest in the development of therapies capable of selectively improving the operation of autophagy. Despite a broad range of research and development programs, little beyond the known repurposed calorie restriction mimetic drugs (such as rapamycin) has yet made it as far as the clinic. Still, new programs continually arise in the research community. Today's open access paper offers an example of one such program at an early stage, an attempt to apply upregulation of autophagy to the thorny problem of Alzheimer's disease. The hope is that improved autophagy will reduce amyloid deposition and consequent pathology, perhaps directly by clearing amyloid more rapidly, perhaps indirectly via reduced inflammation or similar mechanisms.

KIF9 Ameliorates Neuropathology and Cognitive Dysfunction by Promoting Macroautophagy in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a prevalent neurodegenerative disorder affecting the elderly. The imbalance of protein production and degradation processes leads to the accumulation of misfolded and abnormally aggregated amyloid-beta (Aβ) in the extracellular space and forms senile plaques, which constitute one of the most critical pathological hallmarks of AD. KIF9, a member of the kinesin protein superfamily, mediates the anterograde transport of intracellular cargo - such as autophagosomes and lysosomes - along microtubules. However, the exact role of KIF9 in AD pathogenesis remains largely elusive.

In this study, we reported that the expression of KIF9 in the hippocampus of APP23/PS45 double-transgenic AD model mice declined in an age-dependent manner, concurrent with macroautophagy dysfunction. Furthermore, we found that KIF9 mediated the transport of lysosomes through kinesin light chain 1 (KLC1), thereby participating in the degradation of amyloidogenic pathway-related proteins of Aβ precursor protein (APP) in AD model cells through promoting the macroautophagy pathway.

Importantly, genetic upregulation of KIF9 via adeno-associated virus (AAV) diminished Aβ deposition and alleviated cognitive impairments in AD model mice by enhancing macroautophagy function. Collectively, our findings underscore the ability of KIF9 to promote macroautophagy through KLC1-mediated anterograde transport of lysosomes, effectively ameliorating cognitive dysfunction in AD model mice. These discoveries suggest that KIF9 may represent a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of AD.

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