An Example of High Dose Fisetin Exhibiting Senolytic Effects in Mice

Fisetin is perhaps the most intriguing of the first generation senolytic compounds, those capable of selectively destroying senescent cells in old tissues and thus producing rejuvenation to a meaningful degree. Senolytics have been demonstrated in animal studies to reverse many age-related conditions to a greater degree than any other approaches. Why is fisetin intriguing? Because in mice, it appears to be about as effective as the dasatinib and quercetin combination, yet it is a widely used dietary supplement.

Supplement dosing of fisetin in humans is not that much lower than the lowest demonstrated senolytic dose in mice. Senolytics are highly effective as treatments for inflammatory age-related conditions in mice, and starting to show similar effects in human trials. Should we expect that no older individual ever took enough fisetin to notice that it has profound effects on common inflammatory age-related conditions at higher doses? Is it realistic to think that strong medicines can be hiding in plain sight in this way for years upon years? The alternative explanation is that fisetin, unlike datastinib and quercetin, only effectively destroys senescent cells in mice. Which seems equally implausible, given what is known of the biochemistry of cellular senescence.

Questions regarding fisetin will be resolved (hopefully) at some point in the near future, given that human clinical trials of fisetin as a senolytic drug are presently ongoing, targeting frailty, cartilage degeneration, kidney disease, and osteoporosis. It is also worth looking at the materials on fisetin put together by the Forever Healthy Foundation, an extensive review of the evidence to date.

Fisetin Alleviated Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis Partly by Rescuing Alveolar Epithelial Cells From Senescence

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive lung disease, which is characterized by the aberrant accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the lung parenchyma and deterioration of lung function. Both clinical observations and epidemiological investigations indicate that IPF is an aging-associated disease, since IPF occurs primarily in middle-aged and elderly people (median age at diagnosis is around 65 years), and the incidence rises remarkably with advancing age.

Cellular senescence is pivotal for phenotype of aging. The characteristics of senescent cells include growth arrest, enlarged cell morphology, elevated activity of SA-β-Gal as well as increased expression of cell cycle inhibitors, such as p16 and p21. Dysfunctional re-epithelialisation, following repetitive micro-injury, initiates the process of pulmonary fibrosis (PF). Increasing evidences have implicated that accelerated senescence of alveolar epithelial cells, a main cause of epithelial dysfunction, plays an important role in IPF pathogenesis. Senescent alveolar epithelial cells not only lose the ability of regeneration and repair, but also exert deleterious effects on neighboring cells by secreting a variety of proinflammatory cytokines, pro-fibrosis factors, growth factors, matrix metalloproteinases, and chemokines, described as senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).

Fisetin (FIS), a natural non-toxic flavonoid, is present in various plants, fruits, and vegetables. Previous research has demonstrated that FIS has anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrosis, anti-oxidant, and anti-aging properties. Senolytic drugs, dasatinib and quercetin (D + Q), can attenuate experimental PF via selective depletion of senescent alveolar epithelial cells. More encouragingly, a recent first-in-human open-label clinical trial has suggested that short-term administration of D + Q could improve the physical dysfunction in IPF patients. Both FIS and quercetin belong to the flavonoid class, and FIS exhibits stronger senotherapeutic activity in cultured cells than quercetin, and can extend lifespan in mice. These traits remind us that FIS may have protective effect in PF. However, the role of FIS in PF has not been elucidated.

Bleomycin (BLM)-induced PF is the most frequently used animal model. Treatment with BLM can also induce alveolar epithelial cell senescence in vitro and in vivo. In this study, BLM was used to reproduce PF in mice and induce alveolar epithelial cell senescence to investigate the effect and mechanism of FIS in experimental PF. We found that FIS treatment apparently alleviated BLM-induced weight loss, inflammatory cells infiltration, inflammatory factors expression, collagen deposition and alveolar epithelial cell senescence, along with AMPK activation and the down regulation of NF-κB and TGF-β/Smad3 in vivo. In vitro, FIS administration significantly inhibited the senescence of alveolar epithelial cells and senescence-associated secretory phenotype. FIS may be a promising candidate for patients with pulmonary fibrosis.


Thanks for your Fisetin senolytic review!

A few minor corrections/clarifications:
- 100 mg/kg/day in mice would actually scale to 8 mg/kg in humans (HED = mouse dose / 12.3: see Nair and Jacob Basic Clin Pharm 2016,
- Fisetin showed senolytic effects at 60 mg/kg day in in Ercc1-/∆ mice when taken with food, which would scale to ~5 mg/kg in humans (see Yousefzadeh et al. EBioMed 2018,

Posted by: Edward F Greenberg at January 7th, 2021 6:07 PM

@Edward F Greenberg: Thanks, I removed the incorrect line.

Posted by: Reason at January 7th, 2021 7:16 PM

Mayo in their first trial on women give it 20 mg/1 kg body mass. For women it's 1500 mg. I tried it and for male a bit more is needed cause a prostate captures it so efficient and fast that you must add additional at least 500mg or more per 100 kg mass (effective 25mg/ 1kg), even after you find a solvent to let the body absorb any of it. And it's side effects with tendrils for some would require special additional pretreatment and post treatment, or very seldom usage at minimal effective dosage. And it's still too weak a senolytic to have any meaningful lasting effect alone. Fisetin is more effective as senotherapeutic against SASP than as a senolytic. And senoterapeutic effects are registered worldwide for a long time since the invention of strawberries (as a crossbred of different strains of wild strawberry) as noticeable elongation of life length in countries where they become popular.

Posted by: SilverSeeker at January 8th, 2021 6:49 AM

Fisetin poorly absorbed from the gut. Help is required to transport it from the gut lumen to the blood stream. Best vehicle is a nanoscale lipovesicle into which the fisetin needs to be loaded first

Posted by: JLH at January 8th, 2021 1:10 PM

How about taking fisetin with olive oil? Would that help bioavailability?

Posted by: Matt at January 8th, 2021 4:54 PM

Maybe use NaNots instead of Fisetin. It seems much more promising:)

Posted by: Robert at January 8th, 2021 8:22 PM

Is fisetin a good Senolytic for humans? I could play the devil's advocate and point out that mice are terrible aging models for humans. What works for them doesn't have to work for the humans since humans might already have compensatory systems letting us live many decades.

For example, there are insects which in their butterfly form have no digestive apparatus and die after mating and laying eggs. For them having the equivalent of glucose IV injections could easily extend their lifespan many times over. Obviously, there will be close to zero chance to translate such a treatment to humans.
I do hope that one of the Senolytics in the next couple of years will turn out to be safe and effective in humans, but

Posted by: Cuberat at January 9th, 2021 10:46 AM

About the fisetin bio availability. It has terrible solubility in water, alcohols and oil. DSMO call dissolve it but it can make something harmless 100 times more potent and turn it into poison. Here somebody mentioned a food grade solvent which works but I will have to check my links and notes.

Without special solvents my self experiments didn't yield anything convincing. But it was hardly a scientifically rigours setup. I have got 50% powder from pirebulk. It stains and tastes bitter and a bit gross, so already has the hallmarks of a good placebo. I tried to mix it with vodka and a bit of oil. Vodka is more fun, oil let's it pass smoother. I was taking up to 2 tablespoons per day supplemented by same or double dose of quercetin. For all experiments I have nothing which cannot be explained by placebo effect. Of course my fisetin batch might be bad or fake. It might be just not absorbed at all. At the time I was 43/44 probably not that old to have a sizeable ScC burden (I do feel the effects of the age, though).

Posted by: Cuberat at January 9th, 2021 10:46 AM

@Reason: Thanks for the correction.

One additional point: you state that humans use fisetin "at doses that are 1/10th to 1/30th of the lowest demonstrated senolytic dose."
- The lowest demonstrated senolytic dose (60 mg/kg mice, 5 mg/kg humans) would be about ~300 mg/day for a 60 kg human.
- Humans routinely take fisetin at 100-200 mg/day, so:
- Humans actually are currently using fisetin as a supplement at doses 1/3rd to 2/3rd of the lowest demonstrated senolytic dose.

Posted by: Edward F Greenberg at January 9th, 2021 11:09 AM

@Edward F Greenberg: Further updated, thanks.

Posted by: Reason at January 9th, 2021 12:40 PM

People are usually scared by side effects, so no one sane exceeds maximum dose cautioned in the leaflet. Side effects, when you take some medicine too much, teach people fast never to exceed those doses stated as maximum dose... I take sylimarin for more than a quater of a century, and never exceeded daily dose stated on the package. Only after I've read in pubmed that it was proved to be safe and effective in dose of 2-3 grams of silibinin at combatting some viruses (like hepatitis C) I tried such a big dose for the first time...

And with fisetin, I went to doses up to 5 gram of fisetin at once (I would go to 10-15 grams a dose but it was too expensive...) and the only effects were weak and were fading away within week or two. So it definitely has some effect (by my very subjective feeling 10-20 times stronger than quercetin), but senomorphic effects is all what I subjectively felt. Maybe some objective biochemical analysis would draft the difference, but objectively the only thing you feel in the longer term is tendon pain here and there even at the dose 50 times larger than maximum dose stated on the package... If you have medical history on tendons, start with supplementing calcium and magnesium first and control their level by laboratory examination frequently, because it's seems this effect is caused in significant part by number of new osteoblasts created by fisetin and the calcium they used up, since supplementing calcium and magnesium ameliorated most of this effect.

Posted by: SilverSeeker at January 10th, 2021 2:52 PM

@Edward F Greenberg where did you get this from: "The lowest demonstrated senolytic dose ([...] 5 mg/kg humans)"?

The Mayo clinic is still conducting their trial, trying to prove that the lowest working senolytic dose for human females is 20mg/kg, and their result are neither officially or unofficially published :<. They definitely must have made the scaling from mouse to human some way (measuring level of fisetin in the blood maybe? and level of some metabolites indicating senescent cells killed maybe?), but their trial is still ongoing and I can't find the source with the method they did for this dose scaling.

Posted by: SilverSeeker at January 12th, 2021 5:25 AM

@Edward There are ongoing fisetin trials at Mayo Clinic, like this one, where they use 20mg/1kg of body mass of fisetin for women: to prove that this dose is enough to cause removal of any senescent cells in humans and still safe. There are also earlier long time ago completed small scale studies on pulmonary cancers where minimal effective and still safe dose established for humans was 1500mg fisetin + 1500mg wogonin. Fisetin alone was not effective enough no matter the dose. Senescent cells in many tissues are identical to cancer cells (except the only difference that they don't divide), so doses established as safe for human and effective for cancer should be effective against pre-cancer (senescent) cells too. These mouse-human tables are very rough initial estimates, and with fisetin these estimates are even worse than usual.

Posted by: SilverSeeker at January 22nd, 2021 11:11 AM

@SilverSeeker: I agree that the mouse:human conversions are rough at best. I would disagree with extrapolating fisetin's anti-lung cancer effects to its general whole-body senolytic activity.

Senescent cells vary widely in their susceptibility to senolytics. Navitoclax only induces apoptosis in senescent lung cells at ~1000-3000 nM (Pan et al. Int Jour Rad Onc 2017); it takes 500X LESS navitoclax (~5-10 nM) to induce comparable apoptosis in senescent HUVEC (Zhu et al. Aging Cell 2016). Even if you assume, as you indicate:
- Lung cancer cell activity = senescent lung cell activity
- Fisetin anti-lung cancer activity = 1500 mg/day in humans

Then we would expect Fisetin to start showing senolytic activity against other cell types at ~500x lower concentrations (~3 mg/day).

Ultimately, I agree that more human studies are needed. It could go either way.

Posted by: Edward F Greenberg at January 27th, 2021 6:15 PM

@Edward F Greenberg what we are seeking is not the smallest dose that kills (any) type of senescent cell (which are as diverse as cancer types or maybe more, taking into account that some differ significantly from later cancer cells) but the dose that kills as many and as diverse of them to meaningfully lower SASP. To get teraputic effect at least 2/3* to 3/4* of senescent cells must be removed. *this is yet still another unknown number

Combinations are promising in this respect that two or three very weak anticancer substances combined can kill wide senescent/cancer cell types that single one of them can't at any dose (like Q+D can and neither Q nor D can't), broading the range and ratio killed in safer ways. 1500mg with combination of 1500mg sth else doesn't mean that 1500mg alone can do anything. Wogonin is uncomparately safer to use than dasatinib. Dasatinib can't be legally bought in my jurisdiction anyway if you don't have prescription. Wogonin as a common supplement can be bought without such legal hassle as it is GRASS... just nobody makes it so it can't be too :<. More studies, more scientific research is needed, but nobody is funding it. Everybody incorporates a startup to have new senolytic that can be patented, but no basic scientific research. Pity.

Posted by: SilverSeeker at January 29th, 2021 10:06 AM

@SilverSeeker: agreed that more studies are needed. On the academic side, James Kirkland (Mayo), Pamela Maher (Salk Institute), and Miranda Orr (Wake Forest) are testing DQ and Fisetin in a number of preclinical models and a few clinical trials; I will be interested to see how they pan out!

Posted by: Edward Greenberg at January 31st, 2021 2:50 PM

Can anyone give me a ballpark conversion ratio for taking liposomal sublingual fisetin, compared to the dosages and ingestion methods discussed above? I want to try a few days of reaching a sufficient blood concentration to have the target effect. (I'll be using the Alive By Science product which is 75mg of fisetin per 2ml dose)

Posted by: Clay Townsend at March 4th, 2021 11:43 AM

Buying fisetin in this country, the USA, is a bad idea. However, there is one place I know of now, where the price begins to approach a reasonable one for the consumer, that is, where a kilogram of 99% fisetin can be bought for less than $250. In this country, the USA, you are submitting to a system of market control, price fixing and price gouging. It costs less than $15 to manufacture a kilogram of fisetin.
I am new to this forum and this subject. Can anyone tell me why the mg/kg dose is "scaled down" for humans. Dosing of a particular nutrient is a difficult matter. Note that a 5mg sublingual tablet of B12, the most often sold potency, is 208,333% higher than the formerly used and still government recommended dose: politics. Self-styled authorities on dosing, repeating like a parrot, will tell you vitamin A can be toxic, therefore, don't exceed 10,000iu a day. But the effective dose for protecting the eyes, for the health of skin and for many other benefits is 30,000 to 40,000iu, and it is safe up to 75,000iu a day. I had to stumble across that particular bit of information in the writings of a very knowledgeable and trustworthy doctor. Be very skeptical about commonly accepted doses. It's difficult to find the toxic dose of a nutrient for humans. Admittedly, I have no training for it, but when I try I almost always fail. Perhaps someone can give me a few tips.
Since senescent cells accumulate continuously, wouldn't it better to take fisetin every day? How many studies showed a shortening of telomeres? Where they done in vitro or in vivo? It seems illogical to me that an unhealthy state, oxidative stress, would make telomeres more resistant to shortening than a health state. I think this is a question that deserves a lot more attention. Logic doesn't always give you the right answer in biochemistry, but it should not be dismissed.

Posted by: Jeffrey Averack at April 8th, 2021 3:38 AM

Does anyone know if Fisetin targets senescent cells in different tissues than Dasatinib? Do they have the same effect on senescent cells or are there some differences between the two?

Posted by: Chuck at May 11th, 2021 11:31 PM

Now, I'd like to impart a new vector to the discussion while appealing to the authority of The Lancet:
I got greatly impressed by data resulting from the above paper if compared, say, fisetin vs quercetin, etc. within 10 substances as represented graphically here:
So, it's worth trying, but what else indeed?
Well, I got liposomal fisetin delivered, produced in the US for Vitablossom, with quercetin (200 of) 1200 mg x 120 caps, for 2 months, about $50 with delivery costs.
From the graph above follows that quercetin alone is in fact not comparable, but probably as synergetica only.
On the other hand, I have got a Senolytic Activator from Life Extention with fisetin 312 mg, theaflavins 275 mg, quercetin 74 mg, apigenin 50 mg, being taken once a week (NB!sic!).
Might one expect anything senolytic as a result of such treatment?
Or it's just a provocative marketing move?
Has fisetin or quercetin or both any known cumulative effect at all, so one shouldn't take them every day, but once a week only?

Posted by: Cuneiform at June 9th, 2022 9:55 AM

PLEASE NOTE there are many more combinations that will work. The availability of equipment and compounds may be problematic. Use only pharmaceutical compounds (that are food grade) and equipment.

The formulations are pulled from online exploration and not advocated in any matter.

As a note Flavinoid cocktails may be much more promising as they travel down different and multiple pathways.
It's important to note that these formulas are not guaranteed to enhance fisetin bioavailability

Fisetin has relatively low bioavailability, meaning that much of the compound is not absorbed into the bloodstream when consumed orally. There are several methods to enhance fisetin bioavailability, including:
1. Liposomal delivery: Liposomes are microscopic lipid vesicles that can encapsulate fisetin and protect it from degradation in the digestive tract. This can enhance the absorption of fisetin into the bloodstream.
2. Co-administration with quercetin: Quercetin is another flavonoid compound that has been shown to increase the bioavailability of fisetin. When taken together, quercetin can enhance the absorption of fisetin by inhibiting certain enzymes that break it down.
3. Nanoemulsion: Nanoemulsion is a technique that uses small droplets of oil and water to encapsulate fisetin, which can enhance its solubility and absorption in the digestive tract.
4. Microencapsulation: Microencapsulation is a process that coats fisetin particles with a protective layer, which can prevent degradation in the digestive tract and enhance absorption into the bloodstream.
5. Piperine co-administration: Piperine is a compound found in black pepper that has been shown to enhance the absorption of various nutrients, including fisetin. When taken together, piperine can increase the bioavailability of fisetin by inhibiting certain enzymes that break it down.
1. Liposomal Fisetin:
• 1 gram of fisetin
• 10 grams of phosphatidylcholine
• 1 cup of water
• Blend the fisetin and phosphatidylcholine in a blender until smooth.
• Slowly add the water while blending to create a liposomal mixture.
• Drink immediately.
2. Fisetin-Quercetin Combination:
• 100 milligrams of fisetin
• 500 milligrams of quercetin
• Take once daily with food.
3. Fisetin Nanoemulsion:
• 100 milligrams of fisetin
• 2 grams of soy lecithin
• 1 tablespoon of medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil
• 1 cup of water
• Blend the fisetin, soy lecithin, and MCT oil in a blender until smooth.
• Slowly add the water while blending to create a nanoemulsion.
• Drink immediately.

Formulas that may help enhance fisetin bioavailability:
1. Fisetin Microencapsulation:
• 100 milligrams of fisetin
• 500 milligrams of sodium alginate
• 1 cup of water
• Mix the fisetin and sodium alginate in a blender until well combined.
• Slowly add the water while blending to create a microencapsulated mixture.
• Drink immediately.
2. Fisetin-Piperine Combination:
• 100 milligrams of fisetin
• 10 milligrams of piperine
• Take once daily with food.
3. Fisetin-Phospholipid Complex:
• 100 milligrams of fisetin
• 250 milligrams of phospholipids (such as phosphatidylserine)
• Take once daily with food.
4. Fisetin-Naringin Combination:
• 100 milligrams of fisetin
• 500 milligrams of naringin
• Take once daily with food.
5. Fisetin-Resveratrol Combination:
• 100 milligrams of fisetin
• 100 milligrams of resveratrol
• Take once daily with food.
Encapsulation :
1. Fisetin Microencapsulation:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the fisetin solution with 50 milliliters of a 2% sodium alginate solution.
• Using a syringe, slowly drip the mixture into a gently stirred solution of 100 milliliters of 0.1 M calcium chloride.
• Allow the resulting microbeads to harden for 30 minutes.
• Rinse the microbeads with distilled water, then dry them in an oven at 40°C for 24 hours.
• Store the microbeads in a dry, airtight container.
This method creates small beads or particles that are protected by the sodium alginate shell. The calcium chloride solution causes the sodium alginate to cross-link and form a solid shell around each particle, which helps to protect the fisetin from degradation in the digestive tract. This can improve its absorption into the bloodstream, and also allows for controlled release of the compound over time.
Other types of encapsulation methods that can be used to prepare fisetin include liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles, and solid lipid nanoparticles. These methods involve different materials and techniques, but all aim to protect the fisetin from degradation and improve its bioavailability.
Note, these methods can be complex and require specialized equipment, so they may not be feasible for home use.
Molecular encapsulation is a method of preparing fisetin that involves incorporating the compound into a host molecule, such as a cyclodextrin. This can improve the stability and solubility of fisetin, as well as enhance its bioavailability. Here's an example of how fisetin can be molecularly encapsulated:
1. Fisetin-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin and 500 milligrams of cyclodextrin in 10 milliliters of distilled water.
• Mix the solution well and allow it to stand for several hours.
• Filter the solution to remove any undissolved particles.
• Freeze-dry the filtrate to obtain a solid powder.
• Store the powder in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the cyclodextrin molecule forms a cavity that encapsulates the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its solubility in water. The resulting inclusion complex can be easily prepared and stored as a solid powder, which can be added to various formulations or products.
Other types of molecular encapsulation methods that can be used to prepare fisetin include co-crystallization, self-assembled monolayers, and supramolecular assemblies. These methods involve different host molecules and techniques, but all aim to improve the stability and bioavailability of fisetin.
Fisetin-Nanostructured Lipid Carrier (NLC) Formulation:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the fisetin solution with 2 grams of a lipid mixture (such as soy lecithin and medium-chain triglyceride oil) and heat the mixture to 70-80°C.
• Add the hot mixture to a pre-heated aqueous surfactant solution (such as polysorbate 80) and homogenize the mixture for several minutes.
• Cool the mixture to room temperature and store in an airtight container.
In this method, the NLC acts as a carrier system for fisetin, protecting it from degradation and improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting formulation can be stored as a liquid or solid and incorporated into various products.
2. Fisetin-Chitosan Nanoparticles:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin and 500 milligrams of chitosan in 10 milliliters of acetic acid.
• Mix the solution well and add 20 milliliters of a sodium tripolyphosphate solution.
• Stir the mixture for several hours to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Centrifuge the mixture to remove any excess chitosan and fisetin.
• Store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the chitosan molecule forms a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations.
3. Fisetin-Solid Lipid Nanoparticle (SLN) Formulation:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the fisetin solution with 2 grams of a lipid mixture (such as stearic acid and glyceryl monostearate) and heat the mixture to 70-80°C.
• Add the hot mixture to a pre-heated aqueous surfactant solution (such as sodium cholate) and homogenize the mixture for several minutes.
• Cool the mixture to room temperature and store in an airtight container.
In this method, the SLN acts as a carrier system for fisetin, protecting it from degradation and improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting formulation can be stored as a liquid or solid and incorporated into various products.
1. Fisetin-Phospholipid Complex with Curcumin:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin and 100 milligrams of curcumin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of phospholipids (such as phosphatidylcholine) and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the phospholipids form a complex with fisetin and curcumin, which can improve their solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Arginine Formulation:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 100 milligrams of L-arginine and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting powder in an airtight container.
In this method, the L-arginine molecule acts as a carrier for fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting powder can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) Nanoparticles:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of acetone.
• Mix the solution with a PLGA solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the acetone by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the PLGA molecule forms a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Lecithin Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of lecithin and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the lecithin molecule forms a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Phospholipid-Sugar Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 200 milligrams of phospholipids and 200 milligrams of a sugar (such as trehalose) and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the phospholipids and sugar molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Sodium Caseinate Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 200 milligrams of sodium caseinate and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the sodium caseinate molecule forms a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Chitosan Complex with Sulfobutyl Ether β-Cyclodextrin:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin and 50 milligrams of sulfobutyl ether β-cyclodextrin in 10 milliliters of water.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of chitosan and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the water by lyophilization and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the chitosan and cyclodextrin molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Soy Protein Isolate Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of soy protein isolate and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the soy protein isolate molecule forms a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) Formulation:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a PEG solution and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting formulation as a liquid or solid.
In this method, the PEG molecule acts as a carrier for fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting formulation can be stored as a liquid or solid and incorporated into various products.
1. Fisetin-Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of PVP and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the PVP molecule forms a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Albumin Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of albumin (such as bovine serum albumin) and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the albumin molecule forms a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Polyethyleneimine (PEI) and Folic Acid:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin and 50 milligrams of folic acid in 10 milliliters of water.
• Mix the solution with a PEI solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Centrifuge the mixture to remove any excess PEI and fisetin.
• Store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the PEI and folic acid molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Chitosan and Hyaluronic Acid:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a chitosan and hyaluronic acid solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the chitosan and hyaluronic acid molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Phospholipid-Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 200 milligrams of phospholipids and 200 milligrams of PEG and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the phospholipids and PEG molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Lecithin-Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 200 milligrams of lecithin and 200 milligrams of PVP and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the lecithin and PVP molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) and Pluronic F127:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a PVP and Pluronic F127 solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the PVP and Pluronic F127 molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Polycaprolactone and Pluronic F127:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a polycaprolactone and Pluronic F127 solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the polycaprolactone and Pluronic F127 molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and Sodium Alginate:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a BSA and sodium alginate solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the BSA and sodium alginate molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-β-Cyclodextrin Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin and 200 milligrams of β-cyclodextrin in 10 milliliters of water.
• Mix the solution thoroughly and allow the complex to form.
• Store the complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the β-cyclodextrin molecule forms a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Phospholipid-Sucrose Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of phospholipids and 100 milligrams of sucrose and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the phospholipids and sucrose molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Sodium Alginate-Chitosan Beads:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a sodium alginate solution and stir for several minutes to form a homogenous mixture.
• Drop the mixture into a chitosan solution and allow the beads to form.
• Dry the beads and store them in an airtight container.
In this method, the sodium alginate and chitosan molecules form a matrix that encapsulates fisetin, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting beads can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) Nanoparticles:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a PLGA solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the PLGA molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Chitosan-Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Nanoparticles:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a chitosan and PEG solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the chitosan and PEG molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Soy Protein Isolate-β-Cyclodextrin Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of soy protein isolate and 200 milligrams of β-cyclodextrin and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the soy protein isolate and β-cyclodextrin molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Soy Lecithin Liposomes:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a soy lecithin solution and sonicate the mixture to form liposomes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the liposomes in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the soy lecithin molecules form a lipid bilayer around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting liposomes can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol (MPEG) Formulation:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a MPEG solution and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting formulation as a liquid or solid.
In this method, the MPEG molecule acts as a carrier for fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting formulation can be stored as a liquid or solid and incorporated into various products.
3. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Tannic Acid and Albumin:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a tannic acid and albumin solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the tannic acid and albumin molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.

1. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Pluronic F68 and Vitamin E TPGS:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a Pluronic F68 and Vitamin E TPGS solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the Pluronic F68 and Vitamin E TPGS molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Gelatin and Sodium Alginate:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a gelatin and sodium alginate solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the gelatin and sodium alginate molecules form a matrix that encapsulates fisetin, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Lipid Formulation with Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs):
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a MCT solution and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting formulation as a liquid or solid.
In this method, the MCTs act as a carrier for fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting formulation can be stored as a liquid or solid and incorporated into various products.
1. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Tocopherol and Soy Lecithin:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a tocopherol and soy lecithin solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the tocopherol and soy lecithin molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Phospholipid-PEG-Polyethyleneimine (PEI) Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 200 milligrams of phospholipids, 200 milligrams of PEG, and 200 milligrams of PEI and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the phospholipids, PEG, and PEI molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-PEG-Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin (HPβCD) Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with 500 milligrams of PEG and 200 milligrams of HPβCD and stir for several minutes.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the resulting complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the PEG and HPβCD molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (PNIPAM-AA) Nanoparticles:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a PNIPAM-AA solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the PNIPAM-AA molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Sodium Deoxycholate Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a sodium deoxycholate solution and stir for several minutes to allow the complex to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the sodium deoxycholate molecule forms a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Solid Dispersion:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin and 500 milligrams of PVP in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Evaporate the ethanol by rotary evaporation to obtain a solid dispersion.
• Store the solid dispersion in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the PVP molecule forms a solid dispersion with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting solid dispersion can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Cyclodextrin-Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a cyclodextrin-PVA solution and stir for several minutes to allow the complex to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the cyclodextrin and PVA molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Surfactant-Polymer (S-P) Nanoparticles:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a surfactant and polymer solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the surfactant and polymer molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-Chitosan-Stearic Acid Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a chitosan and stearic acid solution and stir for several minutes to allow the complex to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the complex as a dry powder.
In this method, the chitosan and stearic acid molecules form a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.
1. Fisetin-Nanoparticles with Eudragit E100 and Sodium Alginate:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a Eudragit E100 and sodium alginate solution and stir for several minutes to allow the nanoparticles to form.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the Eudragit E100 and sodium alginate molecules form a shell around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
2. Fisetin-Solid Lipid Nanoparticles with Phospholipids:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin in 10 milliliters of ethanol.
• Mix the solution with a phospholipid solution and sonicate the mixture to form solid lipid nanoparticles.
• Remove the ethanol by evaporation and store the solid lipid nanoparticles in a dry, airtight container.
In this method, the phospholipids form a lipid bilayer around the fisetin molecule, protecting it from degradation and improving its stability and solubility. The resulting solid lipid nanoparticles can be stored as a dry powder and incorporated into various formulations or products.
3. Fisetin-γ-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex:
• Dissolve 100 milligrams of fisetin and 200 milligrams of γ-cyclodextrin in 10 milliliters of water.
• Stir the solution for several minutes to allow the complex to form.
• Store the complex as a solid or liquid.
In this method, the γ-cyclodextrin molecule forms a complex with fisetin, improving its solubility and bioavailability. The resulting complex can be incorporated into various formulations or products.

PLEASE NOTE there are many more combinations that will work. The availability of equipment and compounds may be problematic.
The formulations are pulled from research and not advocated in any matter.

Posted by: MikeL at March 4th, 2023 11:19 AM

This is just an anecdotal example. But I feel, of course, exceedingly evangelistic about it, because it was my and my husband's anecdotes.
So, in 2019, not only did we both have full blood and urine panels, but we both had various visual stills taken of our cardiopulmonary systems.
Ok. First, my husband.
Initially, he was misdiagnosed with COPD for a criminally absurd reason that I might never forgive his dr for.
We live on the west coast and it was not only the height of fire season, we were actually living and working out of a house that was literally •inside an evacuation zone•.
Each day, we waited on tenterhooks until we heard whether or not we could safely stay in our home that day.
The day he had his 'breathing' test, I was begging his doctor, so to speak, to wait until AFTER fire season to give his test.
The lab tech was actually astonished because he had never once seen •anyone• with the lung capacity of my husband.
However, that fact didn't stop the diagnosis from being inscribed on his medical chart.
I showed her, so to speak, the pile of studies and replicable research illustrating all the false positives during fire season.
It wasn't until after he tried to get life insurance •for me• that he really ran up against it. He was refused.
It turned out my lovely mate had NOT actually passed on •any• of my verbose messages. But at this point, he finally did.
Apparently, she had •not• been apprised of two crucial issues.
One, the ubiquitous false positives from forest fire proximity.
And two, the fact that we lived and worked daily •in that proximity•.
As soon as she heard first about the above data and second, that this is where he lived/worked, and lastly, about him getting turned down •entirely• for the life insurance policy, she made all the referrals required to reverse her initial diagnosis.
(Unfortunately, a G.P. can diagnose one thing, but to un-do that same diagnosis, one must get at least two expert opinions and in some cases, hopefully not ours, three; all of which involve lots of chest x-rays).
Well, to shorten this up, obviously I am here to tell you there is no evidence whatsoever of COPD or a pre-existing state of same, etc and so on. Very good news.
Here's my part of the anecdote.
I was diagnosed with emphysema. Bummer. A massive understatement. But I was •not• tested at the wrong time. And unfortunately, as my doctor says it, she has never met anyone who so diligently and with such excessive devotion, has pursued such a short and wheezy existence.
So, in Sept 2019, I got full panels, then I got a CT scan maybe with? contrast and a full-on MRI and additionally, an EKG.
Then, in January of 2020, I got Covid directly from Wuhan, and three days later, my husband got it too.
We both lay in bed believing that I would for sure die and he definitely might.
Neither of us could muster the energy to get to a hospital, let alone stay awake for more than 6-8 minutes at a time, nor think clearly about it, or anything.
Approximately eight weeks later, we began to slowly pull out of it.
Maybe twelve weeks total from that January day, we started feeling almost like ourselves again.
When I was 'back to normal' though, my strength, which had been crazy abnormal before, was gone.
Before I came down with OG Covid, it was a common occurrence that when we bought drinking water for the week, which we purchased in 5 gallon bottles that you place upside down in a water-cooler, I would grab one full one in my left arm, like an embrace, and with my right hand, I would carry the second one by the handle.
I carried both from the car in the driveway, along the front walkway, up the porch steps, into the house and all the way to the back of the house where the kitchen is.
Now, if you don't already know, 5 gallons of water weighs forty pounds.
I was carrying eighty pounds, comfortably, proudly, weighing in at 120-125lbs.
After Covid, the first time, I couldn't carry two or even one empty container on that little jaunt without getting totally out of breath and almost losing consciousness.
So, back to those pictures of my lungs from 2019. And the MRI.
The dudes at the imaging place mentioned something about a suspicious tumour-y lookin type shape on my heart. But otherwise, at least with those two tests, nothing else sketchy.
However, they did seem pretty damn concerned about whatever the heart thing was. I, on the other hand, was busy getting Covid, like three more times and not feeling like trying to go to any doctors.
So, it was not until this winter/spring that I finally pursued it.
The one data point that was different though, was that I had been reading about Fisetin.
So, for five months in a row, my husband and I took liposomal capsules (500 mgs fisetin with 200 mgs quercetin) after taking 20 mgs piperine on an empty stomach thirty minutes beforehand.
We took these capsules first thing in the morning, for three days in a row, once each month, for five months total.
This began pretty quickly after our xrays, etcetera.
Right around February of this year, my husband did his annual panels, then got his referrals renewed and got his CT scans and his clean bill of health.
Right around the same time, I also did my panels.
My doctor called me frantic and demanded I get a CT scan scheduled immediately and I did.
There was seemingly a nodule of some sort, not on my heart, but on my lung.
I was told to schedule another set of CT scans without contrast and forthwith, went and got those done.
In the meantime, I saw my doc and we went over all my numbers.
Everything but one was astonishingly excellent.
The only thing that was sketchy was this d-dimer test. She was worried about a pulmonary embolism.
So, the results come back.
There is definitively nothing visible on my heart where it was before.
However, there seems to be one 8mm nodule and a 'smattering' of ~4mm nodules all through my lungs.
My main complaint, in addition to my loss of strength is my loss of breath.
The imaging guys said to come back in three months. The implication being that maybe the big one will have grown large enough to ascertain what it is and the little ones too might be indicative of this Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, who knows?
So, I will be taking my Fisetin/(quercetin) liposomal protocol with my piperine for three days for each of the those three months that I am waiting to hear.
I must confess I am tempted mightily to mega-dose, but instead, I will progress strong and steady.
One peculiar side effect that both my husband and I experience for a solid 7-8days from day one of treatment is the most pernicious fatigue. It makes one feel like they could sleep deeply around the clock for a solid week-plus.
We assume this must be an over-abundance of polluting, inflammatory, toxic, flatulent zombie cells probably slated for apoptosis twenty years ago.
If anyone cares, I will post the results of the next xrays in 3 months.
Thank you for this forum. Good luck to you all.

Posted by: Suki Marmelaide at April 20th, 2023 12:34 AM
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